Folk Ways To Determine The Sex Of A Child: Pregnant With A Girl

Folk Ways To Determine The Sex Of A Child: Pregnant With A Girl
Folk Ways To Determine The Sex Of A Child: Pregnant With A Girl

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Having learned about your pregnancy, first of all I want to determine who settled in the tummy. Boy or girl? Of course, you can wait for an ultrasound scan at 20 weeks, but getting rid of obsessive thoughts is quite difficult, especially when every relative and acquaintance wants to share their assumptions. All kinds of folk methods of determining the sex of a child are used.

Pregnancy girl
Pregnancy girl


Step 1

Look at yourself in the mirror and determine what changes have occurred in your appearance with the onset of pregnancy. Some of them may indicate that you are expecting a girl. Such a sign can be pigmentation on the abdomen, acne on the face, dull and climbing hair, and any other deterioration in appearance. It is believed that the daughter takes mother's beauty for the period of pregnancy.

Step 2

Examine your chest and abdomen. If the breasts have increased significantly, and the left has become larger than the right, then you have a girl. This is also indicated by the blurred shape of the pregnant belly, but keep in mind that this sign should be paid attention only after 20-24 weeks, when the belly is already large enough.

Step 3

Determine what changes in your taste preferences have occurred. A girl's pregnancy may be indicated by cravings for chocolate and sweets, fruits and fruit juices. Pay attention to how you eat your bread. If you only eat the crumb, leaving the crump, then you can start cooking the pink nursery. It should be noted here that severe toxicosis in the first trimester and a good appetite with excellent weight gain in the second may indicate that you will have a daughter.

Step 4

Measure the fetal heart rate. This can be done with a special Doppler or by means of an ultrasound scan. If your heart rate is more than 140 beats per minute, then you have a girl.

Step 5

Use the "Wedding Ring" method. Take the ring and thread the thread through it. Lift it up by the string above your palm. If the ring starts spinning in a circle, then you are pregnant with a girl.

Step 6

Take a classic key with a round handle and a long stem. Place it on the table and ask the pregnant woman to serve it to you. If she takes up the round part, then wait for the girl. Please note that for the reliability of the result, the pregnant woman does not need to know about the experiment being carried out.

Step 7

Conduct the folk method of sex determination "Milk". You will need fresh pasteurized milk and urine of a pregnant woman in a ratio of 1 to 1. Mix them and put on fire. If the milk curdles, then you are expecting a girl. It is recommended that this chemistry experiment be performed only after 10 weeks of gestation. Its result is based on the fact that the level of hCG in pregnant girls is one-fifth higher than that of boys.

Step 8

Listen to your instinct. The mother's heart should prompt the answer. If you still find it difficult to answer what gender your child will be, then you can use the help of small children. As a rule, their intuition is very well developed. For example, if a little boy of 10-18 months shows an increased interest in you, then perhaps you will have a daughter.
