Folk Ways To Determine The Sex Of The Child: Pregnant With A Boy

Folk Ways To Determine The Sex Of The Child: Pregnant With A Boy
Folk Ways To Determine The Sex Of The Child: Pregnant With A Boy

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Even during pregnancy, expectant parents begin to prepare for the arrival of a new family member. They ponder what name to give, where to put the crib, how to arrange the nursery, what stroller to buy, what kindergarten to send. Many decisions are made based on the gender of the child. It can be determined by ultrasound, after waiting for the 2nd week, or earlier, using various folk methods.

Pregnant with boy
Pregnant with boy


Step 1

Take your wedding ring. Hang it on a string about 20 cm long. Lie on your back and move the hanging ring over your stomach. If it starts to move from side to side, then most likely you will have a boy.

Step 2

Find out the gender of the child using the "key" method. Please note that the pregnant woman does not need to know about the experiment. Take a classic long stem key with a round top. Place it on the table and ask the pregnant woman to serve it to you. See what part she'll take it for. If for the leg, then wait for the boy.

Step 3

Conduct a milk chemistry experiment. Fresh milk will be required. Bring it to a boil, turn off the heat and pour the same volume of pregnant urine into it. If the milk does not curd, then you are pregnant with a boy. The experiment is based on the content of the hormone chirionic gonadotrolin in the urine.

Step 4

Pay attention to how children under the age of 3 react to you. If girls pay more attention to you, and boys remain indifferent, then you have a boy. If you have an older child, remember what he or she said first: "mom" or "dad"? The first “daddy” says that a boy will be born next in this family.

Step 5

Look at yourself in the mirror. Pregnancy naturally brought about certain changes in appearance, some of which may indicate what gender your baby is. The boy is spoken of by a strongly protruding and lowered belly. If the right breast has increased more than the left, the hair on the head has become thick, and on the body after depilation it grows faster, then prepare a blue nursery. You will have a son if your skin is smoother and you look prettier in general.

Step 6

Assess your taste preferences. If you fell in love with sour, salty, prefer meat and dairy products and eat only crumb from bread, then wait for a boy. The absence of toxicosis in the first trimester and an excellent appetite also indicate that you have a son in your stomach.

Step 7

Monitor your behavior. It is better, of course, for an outside observer to do this, otherwise the pregnant woman will subconsciously adjust her actions to the expectations. If you stand up, leaning on your right hand, and sleep on your right side, then expect a boy. A calm and balanced pregnant woman with some awkwardness that has appeared is likely to have a son.

Step 8

Use folk counters to determine the sex of your child. For example, you can add to the woman's age at the time of conception the day of the month when the birth is expected, and subtract 19. If the number is odd, then there is a boy in the belly. Such counters and tables can be found on the net in a huge number, but their accuracy is highly questionable.

Step 9

Find out your baby's heartbeat. This can be done with an ultrasound scan or a special doppler. If your baby's heart beats less than 140 beats per minute, then you are pregnant with a boy.
