Some husbands are familiar with such an unpleasant situation: the wife began to be unreasonably jealous. It is worth sometimes staying late at work - suspicions immediately arise. It is worth at least briefly mentioning some other woman in a conversation - tears immediately flow: "You don't need me anymore!" After giving birth, her figure "blurred", lost its former harmony - in general, a real nightmare began. "You look at others, I don't attract you anymore." How to rid a wife of jealousy, how to regain her trust?

Step 1
You can, of course, "write off" everything on the tendency of women to irrational thinking, to hysteria. But it's better to try to understand the situation by analyzing your own behavior. For example, delays at work. Did they really happen sometimes? Or maybe quite often? In this case, even the most loving and gullible wife may have suspicions, and here it is impossible to accuse her of "irrational thinking", especially of "hysteria".
Step 2
Some husbands do not consider it necessary to let their wives know about the nature and peculiarities of their affairs in the service, especially when it comes to complex technical issues. They say, she hardly understands, and why "load" with unnecessary information, she has enough of her own affairs. And in vain! At least in general terms, devote your spouse. Then she will much less often have questions about the advisability of delays at work.
Step 3
Don't mention another woman in conversation, even if it's just a colleague. Of course, one can admit when it happens "in passing". And if this happened quite often, and even with the indispensable emphasis on her merits, then your beloved may involuntarily have quite reasonable fears and some distrust. Remember this and be attentive to what you say.
Step 4
A "blurry" figure can drive into depression even the most calm and reasonable woman! She can tell herself as much as she wants that this is a small price to pay for the happiness of motherhood, but she still suffers looking at young slender ladies. And if you still look at them, then it does threaten depression.
Step 5
Again, you can look after a slender girl, admire her beauty aloud purely instinctively, "nothing like that" without even thinking, but for a wife it is like a sharp knife! Reproaches, tears, suspicions begin.
Step 6
Therefore, do not deprive your wife of attention, kind words, compliments. More often give her gifts, even the most modest ones, in the form of cards with touching inscriptions. Try not to neglect the intimate side of life. If a woman feels loved and desired, she may be jealous, but within reasonable limits! And the distrust that had arisen will quickly disappear.