It is very difficult to understand women. Many of them hide their true feelings behind a mask of indifference, so men are afraid to take the first step. But if you are a little more careful, you can determine in a fairly short time what the fair sex wants from you: just friendship or true love.

How to recognize a woman's love
First of all, pay attention to her interest in communication. If your chosen one never has enough time to meet or at least talk with you, most likely she does not have any feelings for you. And on the contrary, if a woman always seeks to see you, debugs her affairs for this, she is clearly not indifferent to you.
Women seek through the eyes of those they love. This happens involuntarily, so if in a large company you often catch her eye, it definitely means something. Look at her closely, for sure she will be embarrassed. After that, be ready to take the first step.
How to make sure a woman is in love
If you have already started a relationship with your beloved woman, but want to make sure of the strength of her feelings, pay attention to the following signs of love.
Frequent calls
Women in love cannot deny themselves an extra call or SMS message to their man. They find any excuse to hear their chosen one. If your woman calls often, then she not only thinks about you, but also wants to hear affectionate words. Do not deny her this, and she will love you even more.
Tender care
The fair sex instinctively take care of loved ones. A loving woman will cook for you, help you clean, walk with you shopping with pleasure, iron your things, etc. Thus, she expresses true love and readiness for a serious relationship.
Only truth
One of the most important signs of true love is the absence of lies. If your beloved always speaks only the truth and does not lie even on trifles, then she values you and is afraid of losing.
As it is
Some women try to "re-educate" their men, change their habits and certain character traits. This indicates a lack of true feelings. Lovers never try to change their halves, as they accept them with all their advantages and disadvantages.
Talks about the future
If a woman talks to you about a joint future, makes some plans with your participation, then she needs you not for a short period of time, but, perhaps, forever.
The most obvious sign of love is, of course, female happiness. A woman in love "glows" near her man and radiates real joy.
If you have not noticed any of the above in your beloved, do not be discouraged. Remember that the chances to win her heart always exist, you just have to open your heart and follow its prompts.