Summer is a great time to play and relax. Spend it to the benefit of your child, his health and development. Remember your childhood games, read books together, go to the library or to the movies. However, this is only a small part of what you can do with your child in the summer.

Summer is the best time to spend a good time with your child. While in nature, on the street, play outdoor games with children. Boys will be happy to take part in a football competition. Although among girls there are true fans of this sport. And if you have several children, then a football mini-tournament will be provided. Show a little imagination and arrange a fabulous competition. To participate in them, let each child come up with the role of a costume for any book or cartoon character.
However, you can come up with a lot of games with the ball, and not just mobile ones, but developing ones. For example, the games "Yes - no", "Living - nonliving", "Edible - inedible" are popular among children. The advantage of this game is that it can cover any number of children. In addition, there is an element of learning. For the game, let the guys stand in a circle, and the leader - in the center. The presenter's task is to name the words, and the participants to catch the ball if the named word meets the conditions of the game.
For example, playing "Living - non-living", agree that if the word named by the leading refers to living nature, the player simply catches the ball, if to inanimate, he claps and only after that catches the ball. There can be many variations for such a game. By the way, it is very convenient when studying the multiplication table, the rules of the Russian language, the names of cities, vegetables and fruits, etc., and is suitable for toddlers and primary and secondary school students.
If you prefer to play sports, buy bikes for yourself and your child and take family trips.
At all times, the game of "classics" has attracted not only girls, but also boys. And then there are great games of badminton, volleyball. You can arrange sports relay races. For them, you will need special shells: hoops, pins, jump ropes. If they are not available, use the means at hand - plastic bottles, clothesline, laces, balls.
There are many other interesting and entertaining games: hide and seek, tag, brooks, rounders, leapfrog. Tell your children about them and they might be interested.