It happens that a man tries to offer a woman intimacy at a time when she does not expect it at all. This proposal is in the overwhelming majority of cases unexpected, since the man who expresses it is neither her husband, nor even her lover. If you don't know how to properly refuse a man, read on.

Step 1
Male pride will not suffer from your refusal. If you are too suspicious, compassionate and indecisive, then such an offer can plunge you into complete confusion. On the one hand, you do not want a relationship, but on the other hand, you are afraid of offending him and do not dare to refuse. An uncomfortable situation arises, and not only for you.
Step 2
Believe me, for most men, your refusal is not a tragedy at all. You should not think that a man after he is "depressed" will plunge headlong into depression and be disappointed in life. No, he will simply accept your refusal "as is" and start looking for a new person who will be more accommodating.
Step 3
Resolute adventurers do not worry about such situations at all. On the contrary, their life becomes a little more varied from such small adventures. Such women do not torment themselves with doubts, do not think about the consequences. They are simply looking for a way to refuse without giving outright refusal.
Step 4
Here's the first option. At the man's proposal, the woman pretends that she is seriously thinking and agrees after a couple of seconds. The man immediately takes her to his home. On the way, she notices a shop or pharmacy and asks to stop under the pretext that she needs to buy something. The adventurer gets out of the car, pleased with herself, waves the gullible man with a pen and hides in the first alley with a malevolent giggle.
Step 5
Option two. The woman pretends that she is pleasantly surprised, begins to flirt, and then replies: “Of course, handsome! But I can't now, because …”. Any fictional story follows. Having reassured the man and kissed him goodbye, the adventurer leaves, praising herself in her soul for her resourcefulness.
Step 6
These rejection options are not entirely polite. To be more precise, they are not at all polite towards men. Men do not like when they are "dynamited" like this and are very offended by it. After all, they were deceived, one might say, thrown.
Step 7
A decent and self-confident woman will come out of this situation calmly and with dignity. She will think: “They are not going to rape me, this is just an offer, so you should not react aggressively. I have the right to refuse "and I will do it politely and accessible."