How To Have A Baby At Home

How To Have A Baby At Home
How To Have A Baby At Home

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The medical alternative to home birth is becoming more and more controversial. According to Frederic Lebuyer's book "Childbirth without pain and fear", the control of specialists in the maternity hospital fades into the background, because many expectant mothers prefer having a baby at home, in relative peace, surrounded by home walls, feeling the support of her husband and, of course, an experienced obstetrician.

How to have a baby at home
How to have a baby at home


agreement with the maternity hospital, the necessary documents, an enema, a warm bath with sea salt, towels, clean bed linen, a first aid kit, large pads, a car at the entrance


Step 1

Before giving birth at home, you need to carefully prepare. Pay due attention to the choice of an obstetrician, because he controls the entire process of birth. The obstetrician must quickly respond to the slightest complications during childbirth that a mother may have, and send her to a pre-selected maternity hospital. For this, it is better to conclude an appropriate contract with a medical institution. Make sure that there is a mandatory car at the house that will take the woman in labor to the hospital for emergency assistance.

Step 2

During home birth, the room should be clean, remove unnecessary things, prepare the bathroom for childbirth with sea salt. After your first contractions, call your midwife for an enema. At home, the first stage of labor should be vertical.

Step 3

The second stage of labor takes place in the bathroom in a squatting position. The obstetrician all this time looks after the condition of the mother and baby, in some cases stimulates childbirth, and then helps the baby to be born. Dad should be nearby, massage his wife's back, create an atmosphere of security.

Step 4

After birth and all the necessary procedures that the obstetrician will do so that the baby breathes, it is necessary to wash the mother, help her get out of the bath, transfer her to the baby's room and give her tea with herbs, honey and wine. Then the obstetrician should examine the mother and process the perineum.
