To have a child alone, you need to think through everything in advance. Assess your financial situation and your capabilities. Think about whether you can give a decent upbringing to your heir.

Step 1
First, you must objectively assess your financial capabilities. Even if you do not need anything, this does not guarantee that you will be able to provide everything your child needs. An incredibly large amount of funds will be required: for preparing for childbirth, for clothes for the baby, for food, for care products, for toys and much more. Remember also that it is unlikely that you will be able to continue working and receive the same salary after the birth of the child. Even the benefits will not cover all costs. It is better to plan the budget in advance and assess the financial situation in the future.
Step 2
Not only the material side of the issue is important, but also other points. Having a child without a husband is not so difficult, it is much more difficult to raise him. Understand immediately for yourself that the first time will be very difficult. Sleepless nights, constant crying, lack of time, fatigue - all this can unsettle anyone. And since the support of your husband is not expected, it will be even more difficult for you. If you have relatives, girlfriends, and friends, talk to them. Ask them in advance for help and make sure that this help will be provided. Contact only trusted and close people, because promises are not always fulfilled.
Step 3
To have a child alone, you need to find a biological father. It could be a friend or acquaintance of yours. But, firstly, he may treat such a non-standard proposal lightly or negatively. And, secondly, in the future, legal problems may arise if the dad suddenly decides to recognize his child. Another option is to go to the clinic and use the artificial insemination service. But such a procedure is not cheap, and there is no one hundred percent guarantee of a successful pregnancy.
Step 4
Take care of your health. Visit a doctor, undergo a full examination, cure all existing diseases. This will ensure a successful outcome of the planned pregnancy and avoid troubles after the birth of the baby.
Step 5
Think long-term. Imagine what it will be like for a child to grow up in an inferior family. Of course, you can meet the other half later, but the father will be away for a while. And this is undesirable, since communication, attention and support from the male side play a very important role in education. And therefore, it is worth taking care of this in advance and finding a representative of the stronger sex who could periodically spend time with the child.
Step 6
If you decide to have a child on your own, think about yourself. Will it be difficult for you psychologically? Will you feel lonely? In addition, the child can become the meaning of life for you, and everything else will fade into the background. But in life you need to take place not only as a mother, but also as a woman.