A woman left alone with a baby in her arms can be very difficult at first. However, if you think about it, things are not so bad as long as the baby is very small and completely dependent on the mother.

No lemonade without lemon
After spending a little time and mastering the sling, you can not only free your hands, and, accordingly, have time to do more things, but also lead an active lifestyle. A walk, going out with friends to the park and just aimless, not very long shopping trip is quite capable of cheering up many women. If the baby is breastfed, the first six months of his life do not have to worry about buying expensive food. You need to get enough sleep, which will allow you to restore your strength and will not hesitate to affect your mood and attitude towards life. Nothing bad will happen if the dishes are washed a little later - but the mother will rest, because the lack of sleep is one of the factors in the development of stress.
It is likely that sometimes a woman will have to go through all sorts of tests of strength. However, as the ancient sages said: "the night is darkest before dawn," and after "sunrise" it will surely become easier. With each passed and defeated trouble, the mother will become not only more experienced, smarter and stronger, but will also treat many things much more calmly. And a little more time will pass, and the grown-up child will become a real helper.
Often, mothers raising a child alone turn out to be very inventive - both in the choice of toys, and in the preparation of meals for the baby, and in various other situations. Although many of the women who find themselves in such a situation cannot always buy an ultra-expensive toy or a ticket to the circus, they often more than compensate for this by spending time with the baby, enjoying a minute of peace between work and household chores. Walking with a child who is just beginning to learn about the world is extremely interesting. Telling the baby about why there are clouds in the sky and butterflies over the grass, it is quite possible to relax, forget about worries and try to restore peace of mind, which is often so necessary for an independent mother.
Finding a suitable job is the first step to financial independence and stability
While the child is still small, he sleeps quite a lot, albeit in an arbitrary mode. Many mothers have been successfully looking for remote work during this time. Promotion of groups on social networks, writing articles and blogging, organizing joint purchases, just typing or translating from foreign languages - this is just a small part of the huge spectrum of work that can be mastered, left alone with a baby. For those who do not possess such skills or are inclined to other activities, you can also choose the option of home work - all you need is desire and determination!
If there is an acute financial issue, you can visit the social welfare service to inquire about benefits for mothers who are raising a child alone. Perhaps there they can also suggest special centers where you can find clothes and toys for your baby, as well as get advice from a lawyer and a psychologist. Recently, the number of thematic sites has also been growing, where mothers are happy to help those who are left with the child without support at such a crucial moment - many families have found not only friends there, but also were able to replenish the baby's wardrobe and please him with new toys.
I will never be alone again …
Many mothers, consciously or involuntarily raising a baby alone, categorically refuse to call themselves "loners". In the modern world, the concepts of the traditional family have shifted somewhat, therefore, according to some sociologists, even such families where there is only a mother and a child have every right to be called a family. And it is not known how the fate of a woman will develop in the future - if she already has a child, in most cases she simply will not allow herself to waste time communicating with a frivolous man. Yes, and representatives of the stronger sex, expecting only a pleasant pastime, will be eliminated even at the stage of acquaintance. And vice versa, the one who can find contact with the baby and help the young mother get through a difficult period in her life can automatically be considered a contender for the role of a future companion.