Everything is constantly changing in the world, events are taking place that rewrite history, change the worldview of people, but there are also eternal values that were present at all stages of the formation and development of mankind - this is family, love and loyalty. In the twenty-first century, the institution of the family remains one of the most revered in society. How does the modern family differ from previous generations, whose conceptual changes took place in the nineties of the previous century?

One of the main differences is the increase in legal marriages. The institution of civil and guest marriage remains, but still the propaganda of traditional registration makes itself felt - the percentage is growing, but there is a small amendment - the marriage contract.
The newlyweds have noticeably "matured", now the average age at marriage is twenty-two years, young people strive to get an education, graduate from universities, get a job and only after that start a family.
The modern family is in no hurry to have a child. Basically, first-borns are born in the third or fifth year of the couple's cohabitation.
Family planning is also one of the main differentiators of the “social unit”. The number of children in an average family ranges from one to three. The demographic situation is gradually returning to normal, the birth rate is increasing every year, but there is an urgent problem with preschool institutions. It is being systematically addressed in all regions of the country.
Certain living conditions have led to the fact that the spouses of the twenty-first century are forced to look for additional income. Getting a second higher education and working "at home" on the Internet has become very important. Now young mothers can provide themselves with a decent income, provided they are properly timed. Fathers of the family also generate income not only from the main place of work.
Modern families strive to live independently. In the absence of their own separate housing, a rented one comes to the rescue. Young people often move from rural areas to central cities, where it is possible to find high-paying jobs and create the most comfortable living conditions.
Many young people today prefer a healthy lifestyle. Everywhere there is agitation about the dangers of smoking, alcohol, not to mention drugs. The percentage of addicts among young people is declining; sports, healthy food, and tourism are in priority. A healthy family is necessary for the state, therefore, free sports clubs are being opened everywhere, youth movements are organized, and sports complexes are being built.
The return of family traditions is an important distinguishing feature. The authority of the older generation in terms of preserving the family, the nature of behavior in marriage is taken into account at the present stage. Today it is understood that the family is the most important thing for a person. The family is home and relatives, where they always wait, understand and love.