Choosing a bouquet for September 1 is a headache for parents. The less time is left before a significant event, the higher prices for flowers become. Is it possible to save money on buying a first-grader's bouquet?

Parents of first-graders already in the beginning of August start to run around the shops of clothes and stationery. Pens, notebooks, textbooks, uniform and briefcase are bought. At the same time, the majority wants not only to fully prepare the child for school, but also to save money.
An important item on the shopping list is a bouquet for September 1. Parents often remember him on August 30 or 31. A bouquet for school is often bought in a hurry, at the lowest price. Sometimes attempts to save money turn into a real tragedy - flowers that seemed fresh and beautiful in the evening turn into a fading broom overnight.
What florists advise
To prevent the holiday from becoming a hassle, you need to take note of the advice of experienced florists. Experts recommend:
- It is better for a first grader to buy a bouquet for September 1 3 days before the solemn line. Attention should be paid to compositions with unblown buds, which will open by the significant date.
- Order a bouquet of a first grader in a proven salon. Familiar florists will be happy to create a beautiful composition for you, choosing the best flowers.
- Listen to the advice of florists. Do not be afraid to ask experts which flowers are best to include in a bouquet on September 1. The florist will advise the most resistant plants and create an original composition from them.
If you decide to independently collect a bouquet for September 1 for a first grader, visit the nearest flower market. Having spent 500-600 rubles, you can buy 9-11 flowers, which will make a beautiful composition. All that remains is to choose the packaging - colored or transparent film, artificial mesh or kraft paper.
What flowers are suitable for a first grader bouquet
A first-grader's bouquet can be made of any flowers. The beauty and size of the composition depends only on your imagination and budget. The only thing florists do not advise to do is to buy a bouquet that is too voluminous. It will take no less than 3-4 thousand, and the student himself will find it difficult and inconvenient to carry an armful of flowers.
The most expensive flowers for a first grader bouquet
The most expensive bouquet for September 1 of roses and gladioli. The price of a composition of 20-25 decorative roses varies from 1,500 to 3,500 rubles. Gladioli are cheaper - a decent bouquet for school can be bought for 1000–2500 rubles.

Zinnias and dahlias are also suitable for a first grader's bouquet. Although they do not differ in a pronounced aroma, they stand for a long time. Such compositions are not much cheaper - from 1,800 to 4,000 rubles, depending on the number of flowers.
Inexpensive flowers for a bouquet on September 1
An inexpensive composition for a solemn line can be made from asters or chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemums are often complemented by bouquets of gerberas, roses or garden flowers, giving them additional splendor. Chrysanthemums stand for a long time - at least 7-10 days. The average cost of a bouquet with chrysanthemums on September 1 is 1000–2500 rubles.

Asters are ideal for a first grader's bouquet. Inexpensive autumn flowers are easy to make a compact and beautiful arrangement. Asters get along well with dahlias, roses, zinnias and gerberas. The cost of such a bouquet to school is from 800 to 1500 rubles.

If you have a garden plot on which flowers grow, you can even collect a bouquet for school on your own. Compositions of chamomiles, sunflowers, zinnias and dahlias look spectacular. It remains only to arrange a bouquet for September 1 with your own hands, packing the flowers in a decorative artificial net or colored film.