The value of a gift rarely determines its value. It would seem a trifle, but donated from the bottom of your heart or even made with your own hands may turn out to be a more pleasant present than more expensive, but soulless gifts.

Inexpensive gift for your beloved - "pleasant moments"
A romantic girl will certainly appreciate the gift that her beloved will make himself. For such a gift, shared memories, presented in the form of photos, videos, melodies and cute trinkets, are ideal material for creativity.
It is not difficult to make a gift collage from photos from the last trip to the sea. To do this, you will either have to master the popular photo editors, of which there are many on the Internet, or contact specialists. However, it is better to choose the first option. Indeed, even if the collage turns out to be by no means professional, your beloved will still be pleased that you have decided to make such a romantic gift for her.
The finished collage should be printed on a color printer and inserted into a beautiful frame or presented to your beloved in the form of a wall poster.
Video recordings made with amateur cameras or mobile phone cameras are suitable for assembling a video clip. It will not be superfluous to dilute the video collage with inserts of records on which pleasant words sound to the girl, promises to love her forever and never offend, compliments. By the way, when dubbing a video gift for compliments, do not skimp, gentle and affectionate words will be appreciated by both a young girl and an adult woman.
What to give to your beloved if the budget is limited, but joint photos and videos are not enough for a collage
The lack of joint photos does not matter, because ideas for inexpensive gifts do not end with photos and video collages. A good way to please your loved one is to arrange a romantic dinner for her. Many women love it when their man pampers with his culinary masterpieces.
If you are already married, then after dinner invite your beloved wife to see photos or a recording of your wedding. This will melt the heart of any woman. For unmarried people, the option is to discuss the future wedding after dinner.
A rare woman does not like to dream of a wedding celebration, but if a lady tries to change the topic of conversation, you should not impose such conversations on her, so as not to spoil the holiday.
Whichever of the options for gifts that are practically worthless in the material plan you stop, each of them should be supplemented with flowers and congratulations. The latter must certainly sound from your lips as proof that you continue to love the hero of the occasion and want to give her a memorable and happy holiday.