To please a girl during sex, you need to be attentive to her feelings. It is helpful to try to figure out what she likes. Some girls are reluctant to answer such questions, but if you carefully try different things and see how she reacts, you can always find something that will bring her pleasure.

Where to start
It is important to understand that girls' orgasms are not only physiological in nature, but also psychological. Therefore, for a start, it is worth making sure that nothing prevents her from having fun. Create an environment in which she can truly relax.
Start with foreplay. Leisurely kisses, touches: you must make sure that the girl is ready, do not rush too much.
A great way to please your partner is cunnilingus. Be gentle and considerate. Often, young people do not understand very well how sensitive a girl's clitoris is. Trying to please her, they act too passionately or assertively. This leads to the fact that the girl, instead of pleasant sensations, receives pain or discomfort in the most intimate and sensitive part of her body. Then she convinces you that she does not like it when they try to give her oral pleasure, and traditional sex is something that suits her much more, simply because she does not want to hurt your feelings.
In fact, properly done cunnilingus is a guarantee of orgasm, and it comes very quickly, literally in 2-5 minutes. Try to learn more about how to caress the clitoris, and be extremely gentle and careful in your attempts. At the very least, it's worth starting with the utmost tenderness. If the girl wants more hard fondling of the clitoris, she will let you know.
No less effective ways
If you are a master of caresses and various pleasures, but are looking for something new, but try to show your emotions during sex. It is customary to think that a girl should moan in sex, and that's okay. Otherwise, it's somehow strange. But the guy - no, it is better to let him be silent, otherwise he will be considered unmanly. Feel free to show how much you enjoy being with her. Believe me, this arouses not only men.
Try saying something nice to her during sex. If your meeting is soft and gentle, then it is better to say something appropriate too. But during wild and unrestrained pleasure, you can allow yourself to speak more harshly. Of course, this doesn't work for everyone. Try it and see how she reacts.
Anyway, a little frenzy will not hurt. Surely your girlfriend would also not refuse hard sex, within reasonable limits, of course, but it must be something that will make all other thoughts disappear from her head! Flip flops or bites might come in handy. But do not be shy about asking if she likes it, otherwise you risk depriving her of pleasure.