What If The Child Is Left-handed

What If The Child Is Left-handed
What If The Child Is Left-handed

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From birth, all children are divided according to the dominant hand, but this division is uneven. A left-handed child inevitably stands out against the background of most peers, if only because there are much more right-handers. However, such a distinctive feature should not cause fear or rejection in either children or their parents.

What if the child is left-handed
What if the child is left-handed


Step 1

Left-handedness is most pronounced during the period when your child begins to write. Therefore, it is better to try to determine this feature in advance and be ready to react sensitively to its manifestations. To do this, seek the help of a pediatrician or child psychologist. Parents should learn from a specialist in detail all the features of left-handers and follow simple, but necessary advice.

Step 2

Never try to retrain a child to be right-handed. This violent intervention was used in the past at school, but today the negative consequences of such retraining are confirmed by psychologists and educators. Retraining can impair your ability to read and write and can sometimes cause stuttering. The sensitive nature of the left-hander can become moody, irritable, sometimes even aggressive. In addition, loss of appetite, increased fatigue, headaches are possible.

Step 3

Do not emphasize that the left-hander is different from other children, but do not forget to create suitable conditions for the child to study. According to statistics, there are much fewer left-handers, but this information can be given to a child in a special way. For example, you can tell about famous left-handers: Gaius Julia Caesar, Alexander the Great, Leonardo da Vinci, Mozart, etc. For comfortable exercise, it is necessary that daylight or artificial light falls on the table from the right side. The writing desk itself with all the objects should be a mirror image of the right-hander's table; when seated, the left-hander should push not the right shoulder, but the left.

Step 4

Pay close attention to your child's writing method. The line should be open, it is best to teach the left-hander to write straight without tilting and right-inclined spread of the notebook. But you should not strictly prescribe a certain way of writing, often the child himself finds the most successful technique for himself.

Step 5

The most important thing is to pay as much attention as possible to the formation of your child's behavioral skills, help him not only practically, but also psychologically. As a rule, left-handed children are unhappy with themselves, they are sensitive and vulnerable. Parents should be especially gentle, caring and attentive to a left-handed person. At the same time, you need to remain demanding, teach the child to concentrate on the lesson, be attentive and responsible. A bad grade or unimportant school assignment should not be the cause of a quarrel or harsh analysis. It is important to explain to the left-handed person that with your help, with a proper attitude to the subject and work on oneself, any failure can be corrected.
