How To Name A Boy

How To Name A Boy
How To Name A Boy

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Choosing a name for your son is a serious and responsible business. He, the future man, should be named so that the name suits him and emphasizes the qualities that loving parents would like to see in their child.

How to name a boy
How to name a boy


Step 1

You can spend all 9 months in agony because you cannot determine what to call the boy. But choosing a name for a child is only half the trouble, remember that this name will sooner or later become a patronymic for your future grandchildren. Therefore, try to make it euphonious and in the form of a middle name.

Step 2

You should not call the boy a rare and atypical name for our country, for example, the name of a hero from your favorite TV series. The child is likely to suffer a lot if he gets the name Raphael or Luis Alberto.

Step 3

Do not rush to call the baby by the father's name. Psychologists say that boys with the names of their dads grow up unbalanced and nervous. In addition, in the future, there will be odd situations when you call your father, and your son will come to your call, and vice versa.

Step 4

Try to choose a name for a boy by pronouncing it in a diminutive form - it should not sound funny or meaningless. Taunting about a name in kindergarten or school can be traumatic for a boy for life.

Step 5

Also, do not discount the fact that the name to some extent determines the character of a person. If you want your offspring to become an activist and fidget in life, then a timid and tender name is unlikely to suit him.

Step 6

If you are superstitious, then do not name the boy after your deceased relative. It is believed that when the names of the deceased are used, the children named after them inherit the fate and character of their ancestors.

Step 7

Regardless of any advice, it will be up to you to decide what to call the boy. Listen to your feelings when you choose a name, and your loving heart will tell you the right answer!
