Among the many pitfalls in parenting, one of the most upsetting is children's lies. Even if parents are willing to use "lies for good", they are likely to demand honesty from their children - at least in relation to themselves. How to teach a child to tell the truth is a question of questions, but there are answers to it!

Step 1
Try to understand what caused the child's cheating. Perhaps your family has developed a practice of harsh punishment for any offense, and the child is afraid of another portion of beatings or humiliation. Do not punish children if they immediately confessed to the misconduct, or at least mitigate the punishment as much as possible. Explain to your child: “You see, you told the truth, and I respect you for your honesty. I will understand if you made a mistake or made a mistake, but I will punish you for lying. Go ahead and keep your promise.
Step 2
A child may lie if he wants to look his best in the eyes of others. Perhaps he has self-esteem issues and sees no other way to raise his credibility other than stories of fictional accomplishments. No need to scold the child - most likely, it is already difficult for him. A person who is confident in himself will not invent fables - he has real merit. Talk to the child calmly, explain that such inventions will only be harmful - sooner or later the deception will be revealed, and the liar will be in a very ugly position. It is better to find out what prevents him from achieving the result he dreams of - your help may be needed.
Step 3
If children are accustomed to the fact that adults forbid them all interesting activities, they may lie about how they spend their time. If there are real reasons for prohibitions, talk to your child seriously and confidentially, explain your reasons and listen carefully to his objections. Perhaps you will come to a compromise.
Step 4
Think about what films and programs the child watches, what views and principles under their influence can be formed in him. Perhaps you should select films yourself, watch them with your children, and discuss them.
Step 5
If the child lies for the sake of getting some benefit. No matter how annoyed you are, do not humiliate him or use physical violence. It is better to wean the child from the computer, TV, and some other entertainment. The child must firmly learn: lying is one of those vices that you do not intend to tolerate.