Many children, under the influence of emotions and experiences, cannot clearly and correctly formulate a thought, describe an event, a situation. It is important from an early age to teach a child to communicate, tell and share impressions.

Step 1
Start at 1, 5 - 2 years old to teach a child to retell small texts with a simple plot. Read him children's fairy tales for the little ones, such as "Turnip", "Chicken Ryaba", "Kolobok". Then ask him clarifying questions. For example, "Who planted the turnip?", "Who helped pull the turnip?" Do not rush the child, let him remember and try to answer the question first with one word, and then with a detailed phrase.
Step 2
Teach your toddler from 2 - 3 years old to memorize small texts. Apply the technique of reflected retelling. You do not read a phrase from a fairy tale to the end and allow the child to finish the sentence. For example, you start “Once upon a time there was a grandfather and …”, and the child ends with “Baba”. Over time, the kid will remember the sequence of actions and learn the story completely.
Step 3
Show your kid cartoons, take him to the theater. Immediately after watching, talk about the plot, ask to share your emotions, highlight positive and negative characters, describe their appearance, character. Ask your child what the plot of the cartoon or play teaches, and then give your opinion in detail.
Step 4
Invite your baby to look at the picture. First, ask him simple questions about the content of the picture, and then ask him to describe the picture yourself. Also, while playing, describe toys, pay attention to their color, shape, size. Invite an older child to compare two dolls, to determine the main characteristic features. Make sure he speaks complete phrases.
Step 5
Place some toys in front of your child and ask them to create a storyline. For example, show your baby a doll, a basket, and a mushroom. Let the child figure out where and why the girl went, whom she met on the way, what she brought. Gradually he taught to fantasize and create his own stories.
Step 6
Remind your child of events from the past. For example, a family weekend trip to the forest. Let him tell friends or relatives what he did, what he saw interesting. Help your child remember special moments.
Step 7
Remember that children copy the behavior of adults. Therefore, your speech must be correctly delivered. Speak in extended sentences with detailed descriptions.