Sometimes it is very difficult for parents to tell their curious little ones about what is happening around them. And the explanations about the seasons of the year literally baffle adults. How, for example, can you tell your child about winter?

The first thing you need to start your acquaintance with winter is fairy tales, riddles and sayings. It is much better if all this is accompanied by winter illustrations in the form of pictures with characters, drawn answers, etc.
Another great thing about winter is watching cartoons. The tale of twelve months, the Snow Maiden, the Snow Queen will come in handy as never before.
In order for the information to be well remembered, it is recommended to take a family walk through the winter forest. You can study the tracks of various forest animals and birds, take food for birds with you and treat them with a treat.
The child's attention should be paid primarily to the snow. For winter walks, you can take a shovel and a bucket. If the snow is sticky, then you should definitely make a snowman or arrange a real snow fight with a fortress and snowballs.
The child needs to be told about the snowflakes, to draw his attention to their symmetry. If patterns appear on the windows, then they also need to be shown to the kids.
The fastest way kids remember is playing games, so it's better to study winter armed with sledges or skis. The more interesting the walks are, the more the child will remember.