How To Raise A Confident Child: 6 Tips

How To Raise A Confident Child: 6 Tips
How To Raise A Confident Child: 6 Tips

Quite often you can meet quite timid, timid girls and boys on the playground. Holding on to the hand of mothers, such children do not dare to take an extra step without parental consent.

How to raise a confident child: 6 tips
How to raise a confident child: 6 tips

“I myself was the same, these are all genes,” - most often adults justify the constricted, constrained behavior of their children.

Self-doubt prevents the baby from developing, trying something new, and communicating with peers.

In order to raise a brave child with healthy self-esteem, it is necessary to adhere to a number of rules in upbringing.

1. Always praise your children's efforts if they try to help you or do something on their own. And even if you are not very happy with the result, you should not focus on this and point out this to the child. The process is important, not the result. Under the influence of parental approval, your child develops a zeal for creativity, he more confidently and more courageously comprehends new things.

2. Observe the child and identify his interests. If the child is clearly interested in some kind of creativity, then he should be unobtrusively brought to this. If the child, for example, liked to draw, you shouldn't force him to do it all day long. The child's desire should always be a guiding beacon. When the child gets better and better every time, he will feel his importance in the eyes of adults. Significance is the foundation of healthy self-esteem.

3. Children should learn to solve their problems on their own. In no case should you do most of the work for them. Excessive custody makes the child feel helpless and creates unnecessary fears. In this case, the lazy parent is the correct parent. But do not overdo it and forget about safety precautions. For example, you should not give your baby matches and send him to the gas stove to warm up dinner.

4. As much as you get bored, always answer your child's numerous “why”. Do not dismiss and do not reproach your child for such a large number of questions, but rather interest him. Talk about the structure of the world, time, animals, cars and much more. Developing curiosity and interest in new knowledge will not only give your child confidence, but will positively affect his school performance.

5. Open up new opportunities, new horizons before him. Teach him what you know and can do yourself. Let him know that by achieving a small, insignificant goal, there is always an opportunity to achieve more serious results. The more often a small person comprehends a new experience, the more confident he becomes.

6. Prepare your child for the fact that on the way to success in life there may be troubles, which should be persistent and hard work to overcome. The task of the parents is to support when another nuisance falls on the fragile shoulders of the child.

Perhaps there are still many other secrets and recommendations on how to increase the self-esteem of children, but a strong close-knit family, warmth and love of parents always remain the basis of a child's high self-esteem and self-confidence.
