Low self-esteem brings many different troubles to its owners. Such people, as a rule, have problems in the communication sphere, which entail even more serious violations (both in personal relationships and in professional terms). That is why it is so important to instill in a person self-confidence, starting from childhood.

It is necessary
- - conversations with the child;
- - encouragement of his initiative;
- - respect for the personality of the child;
- - normal microclimate in the family;
- - visiting children's developmental circles, sections, etc.
Step 1
Do not interfere with your child's endeavors and always respect his desire to learn new things. Encourage any initiative, instill self-confidence. If your baby is learning a skill, be always ready to help him, but do not say that you know how to do it right. Just stay close, give me a hint if you need it. Observe the child's behavior, aspirations and desires. Do not try to limit him in games, do not insist on what you think is more useful for him. Let your child decide what they want to do (for example, music, sports, or painting).
Step 2
Sincerely rejoice at any, even if in your opinion, an insignificant achievement of the baby. After all, for a child, this is, in any case, a big breakthrough.
Step 3
Talk with your baby on various topics: about good and evil, about friendship, about mutual assistance, about attitudes towards adults, about what adult life is and how it differs from childhood. Pay attention to sex education. Try to build your explanations in an accessible, understandable language for the child, do not bend your heart, always be frank. Children are very sensitive to falsity.
Step 4
Listen carefully to his opinion on each issue, respect him. If the child is mistaken, gently, without ridicule and reproaches, try to convince him or her. All this should take place in an atmosphere of benevolence.
Step 5
Develop your child. Take time to read and discuss an interesting book together, watch a good cartoon or a fairy tale.
Step 6
Never compare your baby with other children in their presence, do not become an intermediary in relations between children, let them learn to communicate with each other. You can only slightly correct their relationship in case of any problems.
Step 7
Pay attention to your family relationship with your husband. Keep in mind that children are very sensitive to all the problems in the communication of their parents. Therefore, try to show respect for each other, then the child will feel confident.
Step 8
Consider the individual characteristics of your child. If by nature he is endowed with a not very sociable character, do not scold him for this, but help to deal with this problem by conducting classes that eliminate communication barriers.
Step 9
Do not isolate the child from other children, do not keep him under a "glass cover", protecting him from all possible and impossible problems. The kid must attend kindergarten, various circles and classes.
Step 10
Treat him as a person, in which case he will be quite confident. And remember that happiness is too broad a concept to write a recipe on one sheet of paper. The main thing is to love your child, respect his rights, take care of him.