Sometimes parents have a very difficult time. Children do not want to obey, do not respond to requests and comments. Usually, it is not the children who are to blame for this state of affairs, but the parents themselves. Therefore, in order to establish rapport with the child and raise him correctly, it is necessary to observe several rules.
Be consistent in raising your child
Develop in yourself the qualities that you want to instill in your children. The child's behavior will change only when he sees that his parents are teaching him what they are endowed with.
Avoid using shouts and punishments
It is impossible to teach a child correct behavior using shouting and punishment. Children understand everything literally and, thus, they will come to the conclusion that they can beat others, shout at them.
Requirements should not be general, but specific
It is useless to demand from a child what he, due to his age, will not understand. For example, instead of “be careful”, say something specific, appropriate to the situation, say “wash yourself”, “tuck your shirt”. The child will understand better, and you will save yourself from wasting time and nerves.
It is not the child that needs to be assessed, but his behavior.
Praise, like condemnation, should only be addressed to the child's actions. That is, instead of saying: "You are a slob," it is better to say: "I will be glad if you put the toys away." This principle should be respected by all family members, since with a constant assessment of the child, especially in a negative way, the only thing that can be achieved is the formation of negative self-perception and a decrease in self-esteem.
Praise is necessary as much as is necessary in order for good deeds to become a habit. Praise makes the child understand that he is doing the right deeds, that you expect this behavior from him. She encourages the baby to continue to behave well.
Strive to avoid conflicts
Various techniques should be used to keep conflicts to a minimum. For example, using a timer, you can get rid of whims before going to bed or during uninteresting activities for him (brushing his teeth, household chores).
Always be there
Children need to be closely watched in order to correct important points of upbringing in time. This, of course, does not mean that you should not leave your child a single step. Just be around.
No need to remind your child of past mistakes
Never come back to discussing past failures, whims, and mistakes. Constant mentioning will cause only protest and resentment in the child. Remembering past mistakes reminds your child of what not to do. Help your child change for the better by explaining how to do the right thing.