What Are The Features And Differences In The Upbringing Of Children Of The XXI Century

What Are The Features And Differences In The Upbringing Of Children Of The XXI Century
What Are The Features And Differences In The Upbringing Of Children Of The XXI Century

The difference between modern babies and past generations begins already at the stage of conception. Today it is a whole event that parents take very seriously. Expectant mothers and fathers are in a hurry to undergo lengthy and expensive examinations in order to be confident in their ability to bear and give birth to a healthy baby.


But future parents are not limited to this. Already at the stage of pregnancy and bearing a baby, they begin … to educate him! Yes, yes, today it is a common practice, when the mom and dad of an unborn baby are actively involved in the formation of his intellect and worldview. And this fact also does not cause bewilderment among anyone today. On the contrary, young parents attend all kinds of schools for pregnant women, study methods for intrauterine development.

How else? After all, today it is generally accepted that the embryo is a thinking creature. It hears and feels everything, therefore it is very important to form a positive environment for the correct and harmonious development of the baby in the womb. However, it is worth noting that parents are also trying to develop and learn in order to be ready to meet with the baby. They understand that the experience accumulated by previous generations in raising children will not be enough.

Some maternity hospitals practice joint stay of a woman in childbirth with an infant. And this is an indisputable plus. After all, this is how the baby is where he is comfortable, safe and pleasant - next to his mother. Its development begins already in the first days after birth. After all, he learns to communicate with his mother, to show her what he likes and what does not. And the young mother feels more calm and confident next to the baby.

Raising a child in the first year of life fundamentally breaks previous stereotypes. For example, in the past, babies were fed strictly by the hour. Today, pediatricians argue that infant feeding should be done on demand. Especially when it comes to breastfeeding. And you need to continue it as long as possible, because this is how strong immunity of infants is formed.

Today, moms and dads generally try to devote more time to their kids. In many cases, one of the parents must take out maternity leave (and this is not always a mother). So young parents can enjoy all the beauty of their new state. And the baby will certainly receive all the tenderness, care and upbringing that are so necessary for him in the first years of life.

Vacation and travel with children is also not a taboo topic for a long time. Parents actively travel with babies, which certainly only has a positive effect on the developing baby's body. True, here it is still worth adhering to the recommendations of your pediatrician.

In short, children of the 21st century find themselves in a situation where a child becomes a person not after several years, but immediately at the moment of birth. And it's great that today more and more doctors and specialists understand how important it is to find a common language and negotiate with children, and not force them to blindly obey adult authoritative opinions.
