Which Men Women Can't Refuse Sex

Which Men Women Can't Refuse Sex
Which Men Women Can't Refuse Sex

The main secret of a man's success among women is not at all a brutal appearance and huge pumped up muscles, as many believe. According to researchers, women cannot refuse sex to men who have soft gentle voices, a sense of humor and a feminine appearance.

What kind of men women can't refuse sex
What kind of men women can't refuse sex

British scientists

Researchers from the UK, after conducting a large-scale sociological survey and interviewing about 3 thousand female respondents aged 23 to 50, found out an interesting fact. In 67% of cases, women cannot refuse sex to men who have a soft, insinuating, gentle timbre of voice, but at the same time possessing a muscular body and masculine appearance.


Also, more than 50% of the women surveyed said that they would definitely agree to have sex with a man if he had a good sense of humor. Women are almost always bored and a man who can cheer them up, they will always thank for it.

Another interesting fact was revealed during the survey. Approximately 30% of the fair sex happily made love to a man with a "pretty" and slightly feminine face. But at the same time, the body should still have all the masculine qualities: the presence of not necessarily large, but prominent muscles and broad shoulders.

Men for whom women are ready for anything

Other researchers, relying on instincts embedded in the subconscious of women, argue that on a subconscious level, a woman wants sex with a man who has excellent health and is able to earn resources for her and their joint offspring.


That is why, at the first glance at a man, a woman tries to determine how expensively a potential male is dressed, how expensive his car is and how much he earns. With a wealthy man, most women are much more willing to have sex than with rogues, since instincts tell the female that a rich man will give her and her children much more than an unsecured one.

An important parameter of male attractiveness is his physical data. Appearance plays an important role: tall, young, muscular guys with a well-groomed body are much more likely to achieve a female body. It is desirable that they also have blue eyes and blonde hair. Such people will always get what they want, even if they earn very little. It's just that the program, genetically embedded in the woman, is triggered to reproduce offspring from the healthiest and most complete male.

We should also mention the hygiene of the male body. According to women, a pleasant aroma must emanate from a man. An unpleasant smell from a man in 100% of cases kills any desire to have sex with him. More than half of women prefer to have a clean-shaven boyfriend as a sexual partner, without acne, with a neat short haircut. Bearded and long-haired males can also be successful with women, but not all of them are pleased to deal with a hairy representative of the stronger sex.

In addition to external attractiveness, many girls rightly consider his mind to be the sexiest part of a man. First, it never gets boring with a smart partner. Secondly, in our time, a skinny bespectacled programmer can earn many times more than many "cool" businessmen.


A highly intelligent man is much more likely to take a leadership position at work and achieve high rank in society than one who does not have the ability to think. In today's sane society, an intellectual can achieve more women, provided that these women are not young girls and know exactly what they want.

At a young age, girls have more developed instincts when choosing a sexual partner, so they more often choose outwardly handsome muscular guys, not paying attention to their education and internal qualities. According to instinct, the main thing is to mate with the young and healthy in order to get the best set of genes for the offspring.

Charisma and character

The charisma of a man can also become a decisive factor when a woman decides whether to have sex with this partner or not. It is known that musicians, actors, politicians and other famous personalities are always full of fans, many of whom are ready to overcome any obstacles in order to have sex with the object of their worship. In this case, the man does not even need to do anything - the fans themselves will seek them.

Male character traits shown by a representative of the stronger sex, at certain moments, can also become decisive factors in a woman's decision to have sex with a man. For example, in the case when a man at the right time will not only provide support and comfort the girl, but also really solve her problem. Or when he shows an aggressive character.

There is one more character trait that many girls "peck" at, which is not considered truly masculine. It is a well-hung tongue. Ability to tell a lot, brightly and beautifully, persuade and tell fairy tales. Women themselves often admit that they trust themselves to a man who knows how to hypnotize them with his sweet speeches and willingly go to bed with such, although later they may regret it.

Psychologists also single out another character trait that many women consider sexual - this is the social activity of a man. A successful man, in the eyes of a woman, has a lot of acquaintances and connections, is constantly in different companies, makes acquaintances with new, strangers. Introverted men, couch potatoes, gray and inconspicuous males are much less popular with girls. And often they are completely unpopular. On a psychological level, women are not interested in them at all.
