Some girls are interested in one main question - how to return a beloved man if he decided to break off a relationship. In fact, this is not so difficult to do, the main thing is to adhere to a few simple rules.

Step 1
Try to persuade your loved one to return everything back. Give him a lot of promises and make sure that you will definitely fulfill all his whims and wishes, tell him that you will try to make your relationship perfect. Make every effort to get the man to believe in the sincerity of your words.
Step 2
Give him a little break from you. The main mistake some girls make is obsession. Immediately after parting, they begin to bother with calls, messages. Doing this is absolutely not worth it. Believe me, "silence" will make your loved one nervous, so after a while he will definitely return.
Step 3
Men are by nature owners. They don't like it when someone tries to assassinate his girlfriend. Remember this and try to use it. Make him jealous. The representative of the stronger sex, seeing and realizing that he is losing you, himself will begin to take at least some action on your return.
Step 4
Try to be a close friend to him. Yes, a friend. Of course, being friends with someone you love is quite difficult, but you have to try. In this case, you will have every chance to return your loved one. Perhaps he himself will want to return if he understands how faithful and loyal you are to him.
Step 5
Mom for a man is a certain ideal of a woman for him. If you're familiar with her, great. Try to become like her. It has been noticed that some guys are subconsciously looking for a wife like his mother.
Step 6
Getting together can help you get your love back, too. Invite your lover to go on vacation together. Of course, at first he may refuse you, but do not despair. Try again after a while.
Step 7
It's good if you work for the same company. You have a great opportunity to see each other more often. If this is not the case, try to get a job at the same company where your loved one works.
Step 8
Try to love yourself and believe in your own strength. Guys appreciate girls who are confident.
Step 9
Shared fond memories can also play an important role in your reconciliation. Invite your loved one to a friendly meeting and walk through the places of memories: where you met, kissed for the first time, dreamed of the future.
Step 10
If you have done everything described above, but the man has not expressed a desire to return to you, then this is simply not your destiny. Don't be humiliated. Try to start a new, completely different life. Do what you didn't have enough time for before. Change yourself, your appearance. Perhaps even a change of scenery. This does not mean that you need to immediately move to another apartment, to another area. It is just enough to make a small rearrangement of furniture. Remove everything that once reminded of him, then your life will definitely change.