When a woman initiates a break in a relationship, the man is puzzled. And if she leaves without explaining anything, he can only endlessly analyze his behavior, wondering what was the real reason for what happened. There may be several reasons.

Step 1
She dreamed of getting married, but she never got an offer from you. If a woman wants to legalize a relationship, she does not always speak about it directly. Sometimes this desire is expressed by the fact that she cooks dinners for you or ironing shirts. Apparently, you did not understand the hints.
Step 2
The woman is tired of tolerating your reproaches. Perhaps you were too critical. Sometimes men are too keen on creating the perfect princess from their lady of the heart. Fragile girls cannot bear the pressure of everyday worries and the burden of male dissatisfaction with her behavior and appearance.
Step 3
She's having an affair with another man. She didn't know how to tell you about this, so she chose to just run away. Perhaps the girl will send you a letter of repentance or even want to return, but this will happen when her passion for the new gentleman fades away.
Step 4
She decided that you cannot be the father of her children. It happens that relationships develop just fine, but a woman sees in you not protection and support, but only a wonderful lover, a good friend and an interesting interlocutor. She might think that you are too frivolous or not well-off to give her a problem-free maternity leave.
Step 5
The girl did not consider your relationship to be serious. Contrary to popular belief, not all ladies dream of finding one single love for life. Some people like to iterate over the options. Most likely, she didn't mean to offend you. But at some point it seemed to her that the novel had exhausted itself and became boring, why not put an end to it?
Step 6
And yet, more often than not, girls leave men for the most commonplace of reasons - love is leaving. If you are not officially married, you are not tied by common children, you are not burdened by financial obligations, she does not feel forever tied to you and leaves a chance for herself to break free. Take care of love, then a woman will not leave you, no matter how life develops.