It is doubly difficult for loving parents to care for a sick child, because strong emotions, experiences and a desire to cure the baby as soon as possible are added to objective anxieties and a desire to help. The situation is often complicated by the fact that children are extremely negative about medicines. There are several ways to get your child to take the medicine.

Deception for the good
It is often impossible to explain to a small child that this bitter pill or nasty drops will help to recover. A sick toddler concentrates only on the negative emotion of the present moment, and even a potential improvement cannot get him to take the medicine. That is why you should not waste energy and look for reasonable arguments. This situation is one of those when it is worth resorting to trick.
Bitter tablets should be ground to a powder and diluted with sweet berry syrup or jam. If the taste of the medicine is acceptable, but for some reason the child does not like it, try to imperceptibly dilute the drug with his favorite delicacy: fruit puree, jam, condensed milk, yogurt. If taking the medication is really important, you can even allow the baby to do something conditionally forbidden, where the medication will be mixed.
There is a great way to swallow pills easily. You just need to drink them from the bottle. In this case, the tongue is positioned in the mouth in such a way that the moment of swallowing becomes easier.
Trying to negotiate
If your baby is at the age when you can negotiate with him, use this opportunity. Line up your arguments ahead of time. Press on emotions: impressionable children give in to persuasion much faster. Reassure your child that he is big enough to take the medication on his own without crying. Use the principle of comparison with other children who can easily take a pill. Promise your baby a long-awaited gift for his courage and courage. It may not be entirely pedagogical to do this, but the health of your son or daughter is at stake here.
Keep in mind that most modern baby medicines don't actually taste bad and are as easy to use as possible. Stereotypes, fear and unfounded prejudices - this is what prevents a child from being properly treated with medication.
Teach your child to take medication smoothly in advance. Talk to your doctor about taking multivitamins in courses, give your baby rosehip syrup or other useful supplements in various forms.
Strength is the last resort
Sometimes a child is at an age when it is still difficult to explain the advisability of taking medications, and it is almost impossible to outwit. If the health or even the life of the baby really depends on the drug, there is nothing left but the use of force. Of course, this method should be resorted to only as a last resort, while acting as delicately as possible. Try to make the medicine taste good, and have enough water for your child to drink. It is very convenient to dilute the drug with liquid and inject it into the mouth using a syringe without a needle. It is quite possible that the child will understand that the medicine was not at all nasty, and the next time he will take it without any effort on your part.