There are situations when a relationship with a man is going well - there is love, harmony, and even sex is relatively good. Only one thing can darken the idyll - foreplay does not excite, accordingly, it becomes more difficult to enjoy sex and experience an unforgettable orgasm. How to hint to a partner that he is doing something wrong, so as not to offend him, not push him away from himself and not destroy the relationship?

What to do if your husband isn't good enough at foreplay
“Prelude to sex does not excite me” or “I am not aroused by my husband's affection” are frequent complaints of girls that they share in conversations with their girlfriends. But how do you tell your partner about it? After all, not only frankness is important here, but also delicacy, so that such a conversation does not provoke the development of male complexes or cause him to think about your frigidity (after all, others did not complain).
Try not to wait for action from your partner before the next night of love, but take the initiative into your own hands. If you don't like something (quick penetration of fingers into the vagina instead of gentle stimulation of the clitoris or dry and tight kisses instead of passionate kissing), direct your husband's actions in the right direction, accompanying them with moans showing that you are insanely good (better than before).
If a man keeps foreplay to a minimum, starting sex at the first hint of lubrication, say that you dream of an erotic massage and how you want to prolong tactile pleasure that is not limited only to sex. Create an appropriate environment for this - dim lights or candles, fragrant oils with which the man will rub you. An excellent option is foreplay in a bubble bath - warm water relaxes, you don't want to rush anywhere, the foreplay prolongs itself, giving pleasure to both partners.
What if my husband doesn't like foreplay?
This is another question women can ask. Are you sure he really doesn't like them? Perhaps no one told him that he was doing something wrong, and a quick transition to sex is standard practice (both in past relationships and in present). The way out of the situation again lies in frankness, but with a pinch of cunning. You don't have to say directly that the time allotted by your husband for the arousal process is sorely lacking for you to get started. Instead, ask your loved one to walk through all of your erogenous zones (and they are not limited to just the clitoris or labia). Tell me how touching your chest or inner thighs, nibbling your earlobes, kissing your neck turns you on - there are many options. Encourage your husband's caresses with moans (real, without fake or overexposure) so that he sees how easy it is to drive you crazy with simple touches, and repeats his actions in the future.
How to get oral sex from your husband
If your husband loves oral sex, do not hesitate to ask him to please you in this way. In intimate life, there is no place for complexes, do not be afraid to ask to stimulate the clitoris with your tongue, if you like it - there is nothing shameful in oral foreplay, because this is another way to have pleasure, experience an orgasm and achieve harmony in all aspects of relationships, including sex life. Many men like to give pleasure with their tongue, but often the stiffness of a woman spoils everything at this moment, and the partner tries to quickly go directly to traditional sexual intercourse.
The main thing is not to keep everything to yourself, but to talk to your beloved, hint to him what you do not like, what is missing. Do not reproach, do not get angry, do not make claims that can provoke complexes and refusal of intimate relationships. Do not expect that everything will change for the better by itself - act to make the next night unforgettable, without complaining that your husband's caresses do not excite or turn on.