An important point in preparing a child for school is the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Most children start eating, drawing, and learning right-hand writing skills. But practice shows that often a child at the time of entering school has poor writing skills. Therefore, the development of motor skills and precise movements of the right hand are very important for preschool children.

- - recipes;
- - pencil;
- - lacing game.
Step 1
Recipes and all kinds of shading perfectly prepare the baby's hand for the writing process. The child not only learns to draw lines, dashes and shapes. It also trains arm and muscle endurance. There are different types of shading. For example, buy your kid a notebook called "Draw by Cells". This manual will help your child master the skills of spatial orientation on a sheet of paper in a cage, teach you how to copy drawings and figures point by point. Shadings are available in different age categories. The simplest ones teach the kid to draw parallel, horizontal and oblique lines in the form of a game. The child will draw grass, paths or needles on a hedgehog, not even suspecting that this is how he is being prepared for school and writing. Use a soft pencil to draw. Also observe the correct posture of the child and the correct grip of the pencil with the fingers of the right hand.

Step 2
Lacing is an excellent assistant in the development of hand motility. With the help of lacing, you can develop not only your hands, but also thinking, attention and speech. This fun game will not let your kid get bored and tired. There are a huge variety of laces. From simple (hedgehog and mushrooms) to complex - didactic games like "Garden - vegetable garden". It has a vegetable garden field and vegetables that must be planted with a string. In the second option, you need to hang apples and pears on the fruit tree. The lacing produces precise, differentiated finger movements.

Step 3
Finger games and logorhythmic exercises also help develop hand motor skills. You can practice a series of movements and then combine that into one big story. An example of such games can be found in the book by E. Kosinova "Lessons from a Speech Therapist". By gradually learning simple movements, your little one will learn how to perform and hold various positions of the fingers and hands, thereby training the muscles of the arms. All this will help in the future when writing. The hand will not get tired quickly, and precise movements will make the baby's handwriting beautiful.