The question "what exactly turns men on?" interested in all women. Of course, there is no universal recipe, but effective methods have been developed over the millennia.

Male visuals
It's no secret that men love with their eyes. This is a given. The appearance of a woman, her face, her figure, clothes - all this affects the passion of a man. If you prefer a stretched nightie to lace underwear, don't be surprised that a man prefers a healthy sleep to you. After all, to excite a man, he needs to see a beautiful picture.
Sexy things that men like
One of the most exciting factors for men is sexy lingerie. Stereotypes say that a great lover would prefer red or black underwear. Red lingerie affects most men the most. Any woman in scarlet underwear is considered a priori by men a relaxed lover, for whom there is no taboo in bed. Of course, you can buy fishnet underwear in a different color, but it would be nice to understand the context. Yellow underwear makes men think of high-quality and long-lasting sex. Violet or pink is generally liked by men, they perceive women in these colors as temperamental and sensual natures. Blue underwear makes men bored, for some reason women in it seem to them lazy and lack of initiative. Most men perceive white underwear as neutral.
If we talk about clothes for intimate meetings, you can turn to stereotypical costumes. Try the look of a sexy nurse or French maid. In general, daily reincarnation is very well accepted by men. If today you are an innocent blonde and tomorrow you are an aggressive brunette, good and very different sex is guaranteed to you.
Strong emotions are evoked in men by tight-fitting clothing that models and emphasizes female forms. Long skirts with high slits, stockings with wide lace ribbons that are visible in these slits, blouses with open buttons are the good old timeless classics.
A bracelet on your leg or some unusual piece of jewelry can look very tempting if nothing else is on you.
For a long time, partially covered nudity seemed to men more interesting than absolute nudity. The ability to paint the invisible parts of the female body in fantasies is very exciting for men. That is why transparent, erotic peignoirs are preferable to pajamas and shirts. Of course, some men want to see their partner naked. However, you should not indulge a man with such a sight too often, since in this case it is perceived as a given. This means that it loses its effectiveness.
Don't be afraid to show your man your sexual desire, but don't be too intrusive or too often.
Remember that while having sex, you can and should allow yourself to relax and have fun, no matter what you are wearing. Seductive curves and gentle, sexy moans will help turn any man aroused.