When people communicate for a long time, changes in one of them are often perceived with hostility. The friend who was so familiar and predictable suddenly began to behave differently. This leads to bewilderment, it becomes not entirely clear how to communicate with her further. Direct conversation will help to sort out friendly relations.

Girlfriend became a lesbian - should I stop communicating
Every year, the attitude towards people who practice same-sex sex becomes more and more loyal. Many of them speak openly about their preferences, not hesitating to provoke a negative reaction from others. They defend their choice, do not want to dodge, hiding their preferences. Girls, who are inflamed with love for the same beautiful ladies, openly talk about this to friends and girlfriends. And some of them take this information quite aggressively. Although there is nothing particularly scary about it. Everyone is free to make a choice who to let in their bed. Sexual relationships are not reflected in friendship in any way. Behavior with loved ones of such a person often remains the same.
Not all lesbians are like men and behave like representatives of the stronger sex. Many of them look like ordinary girls. They are often pushed into the arms of women by disappointment in men.
To understand how to behave with a friend who has become a lesbian, you need to talk to her frankly. Clarify how serious her new hobby is and what feelings she now has for old friends. If she answers that the attitude has not changed, the friendship has remained important to her, she wants to continue it, then you can be calm. It is unlikely that a friend will suddenly begin to make hints, proposing to expand the boundaries of communication. But even in this case, it is better to warn in advance that you are not going to change the traditional orientation. Say that you can only be friends as before if she does not weave sexual connotations into the communication. Most likely, such a conversation will resolve all issues, there will be no reservations between you, friendship will be the same as before.
Do not scold your friend for changing her orientation. Remember that this is her life and her choice. Perhaps she needs this experience to understand what she really wants.
How to deal with your lesbian friend
People who decide not to hide their dissimilarity from others very often become lonely. Friends turn away from them, cannot accept their new essence. There are very few reasons for this. The fact that a person sincerely says what he likes testifies to his honesty in relation to himself and those close to him. And do not immediately reject it. On the contrary, if a friend revealed her secret, she needs to be supported. At least by the fact that to behave with her as before, not remembering about unconventional inclinations. She will be grateful for simple human support in this rather difficult period of rethinking her life.