You met a man with whom you would like to link your future destiny, create a new family. But you are concerned about the question of how your child's relationship with a new person will develop. Help two people dear to you to make friends.

Step 1
It is better to organize the first acquaintance of the child with your friend on "neutral territory". For example, introduce them for a walk in a park or cafe. Try to prepare the child in advance for the fact that a person with whom you will now spend a lot of time has appeared in your life. Let the baby address your man the way he likes best: by name, first name, patronymic or with the prefix "uncle". Together with a friend, come up with joint activities that would be interesting and exciting for everyone: going to the theater, cinema, attractions, outings, small trips.
Step 2
After a while, have your friend get involved in simple daily activities by interacting with the child more often at home. With the baby, you need to play more, bathe, put him to bed. An older child can be helped to do homework, to support his hobbies, to make something together, to design, to help his mother with the housework, i.e. to you. It is important to be interested in his affairs sincerely, without fawning and familiarity, because children are very sensitive to falsehood.
Step 3
You should not try to become a substitute for a father for a schoolchild or teenager, especially if he remembers well the parent or communicates with him. Let your friend immediately make it clear to your daughter or son that he is in no way going to oust dad from their life. It is better to make friends, to become a real "senior" comrade for the child. Your friend will have to earn respect in the eyes of the baby with his behavior: in order to earn authority, you need to work hard. It is important to treat the relationship with the child as a serious matter. Everyday affairs and activities will give two people dear to you the opportunity to get to know and feel each other better, will help your man become a truly close person for the baby.