Methods of genetic diagnostics make it possible to say with 100% probability who the real dad of the baby is. Determination of paternity by DNA is not uncommon, but very common. In legal practice, such tests are used to confirm kinship in cases of alimony and inheritance, doctors resort to them when it comes to organ transplantation.

Step 1
You can determine paternity by DNA by taking a sample for genetic research. Buy envelopes, they should be according to the number of participants in the test. Sign each of them, and indicate who is who to whom. Write the nationality - you will need it when calculating the probability of paternity.
Step 2
Postpone meals, wash your face, brush your teeth, and try not to smoke two hours before your procedure. You can rinse your mouth with water. If you are taking samples from a small child, give him water or wait three hours after feeding.
Step 3
Use a clean cotton swab or swab and wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer. Take the object by the plastic base and slide it 30-40 times along the buccal mucosa. This must be done with pressure.
Step 4
Wash the saucer, place the stick with the sample on it so that the cotton end does not come into contact with the dishes. Leave to dry for an hour or two. Do the same for the other cheek. Place both sticks in an envelope and seal.
Step 5
Proceed with obtaining samples for the next participant. Do everything in stages so as not to confuse anything. Fold both envelopes into one large one and send it by mail or by courier, but keep in mind that for a more reliable result, the samples must reach the laboratory no later than two days from the moment of their collection.
Step 6
Wait for the test results. They are prepared within 3-6 working days. They can be sent by mail, delivered in person, sent by e-mail, posted in a personal account on the laboratory's website, having previously provided the password in the form of an SMS to a mobile or phone. In case of repeated use, the biomaterial is stored for 6 months, but it can also be destroyed, depending on your desire.
Step 7
Having received at least three DNA mismatches, you can safely assume that the child is not yours. But a positive answer is only 99, 999% reliable. This is so, because physicians and scientists hypothetically cannot exclude the existence of the pope's identical twin, who can also be the father of a particular child. Genetics is not able to establish which of them will own parental rights.
Step 8
You can establish paternity even at the stage of a woman's pregnancy. Technically, this is not difficult, but the procedure can lead to complications in an unborn baby. From the 8th to the 12th week, a chorionic biopsy is performed, through a small puncture, the villi are pinched off from the shell of the fetus. From the 16th to the 22nd week, a little amniotic fluid is aspirated (amniocentesis). In the third trimester, blood is drawn from the umbilical cord (cordocentesis). The procedure is performed exclusively in a laboratory and only by a specialist.