In our times, it often happens that it is necessary to break through an incomprehensible and hated bureaucratic hell - for example, when it is necessary to establish paternity. Most often, single mothers face this, for whom, for certain reasons, the unscrupulous fathers of their children refuse to pay alimony.

Step 1
Go to court with a claim. Paternity will be established in court. The claim will be listed as "establishing paternity and collecting alimony." The application must be filed with the court at the place of residence of the alleged father (or already known, but denying his paternity) - the defendant in the claim, although you can file it at your place of residence, the choice is yours.
Step 2
Remember: when establishing paternity, the court must accept any evidence if it reliably confirms the child's origin from a certain person, or the court can order a medical examination (at any time of the process - on its own initiative or at the request of the parties, the prosecutor or interested parties). Genetic examination is the most expensive (if the defendant's father is at fault, it is he who will be obliged to pay for this procedure), but at the same time it allows one hundred percent to determine whether the defendant is the father of the child or not.
Step 3
Use the following trick if the defendant was summoned to court, but refuses to carry out an examination - do not delay, he may change his mind, but while evading, the court has the right to recognize the defendant as the child's father, given the speed of court decisions if one of the frequently heard cases is being considered.
Step 4
By the way, if the father recognizes paternity himself, then it is enough for him to go to the registry office and register there - then it will be much easier with the process itself. In any case, if the father does not recognize himself as a parent, you need to file an application with the court and seek a genetic forensic medical examination, the rest will not give 100% of the result. Although the biological and genetic types of medical examination you will be offered to consider in the event that one of the parties does not have enough money on hand to pay for an expensive genetic examination, and additional circumstances will appear in the case, indirectly or directly proving the paternity of the person to whom and a claim was brought.