Sometimes situations arise in which documentary evidence of paternity is required. Assessment based on appearance or day of conception is not legally binding, while establishing paternity by DNA blood test can be presented as evidence in court.

- - a sample of the mother's DNA;
- - DNA sample of the alleged father;
- - DNA sample of the child;
- - information about the blood group and Rh factor of the father, mother and child;
Step 1
Knowing the blood types of the mom, baby, and prospective father can help you make a preliminary assessment of whether that person is the father of your baby. The fact is that a blood type is determined by only three genes, so it is enough to simply calculate what blood type a child can have if you know the blood types of the parents. Check the chart to see if your child's blood type matches the suggested blood type.
The result can be considered negative if it turns out that with such a combination of blood groups as that of the father and mother, the child cannot have the same blood group that he has. The certainty of such a negative result is about 99%. At the same time, a positive result does not say 100% that this particular person is the father of the child.
Step 2
Another well-known blood parameter is the Rh factor. It is less indicative than the blood type, since its inheritance is determined by only one gene. As can be seen from the table, it is quite reliable to say that the alleged father is not such, it is possible only if both parents have negative Rh, and the child has positive.
Step 3
The most accurate method for establishing paternity is the DNA analysis method. It allows you to determine how much the child's DNA is similar to that of the alleged father. The results of this test may be legally binding. In order to perform a DNA paternity test, you will need to provide the laboratory with DNA samples from the mother, the alleged father (s), and the child. It may be blood, then you will need to resort to the help of a laboratory. You can also provide a saliva sample or mouth scraping if the laboratory you are contacting allows it. It usually takes about 14 days for results to be obtained, but some laboratories provide an urgent test service that will cost more. Negative confidence is considered close. to 100%, and the reliability of a positive result is estimated at 99-99.9%.
Step 4
There are laboratories that provide a home DNA test service. In this case, you will be sent detailed instructions for the collection of biological material, which you send by mail. The results of such testing cannot be evidence in court, but can help dispel doubts, if any.