How To Establish Paternity Of A Child

How To Establish Paternity Of A Child
How To Establish Paternity Of A Child

For many decades in a row, DNA analysis has been the most effective way to determine paternity. Its results make it possible to assert with almost one hundred percent probability that a particular person is the father of this or that child.

How to establish paternity of a child
How to establish paternity of a child

What is the DNA analysis method based on?

In order to correctly establish paternity, geneticists carefully study certain parts of the DNA in the child and his alleged biological father. This process is much easier if the mother of the child is known. In this case, experts exclude that part of the DNA chain that the child inherited from it. The remaining genetic material is then compared to the DNA of the likely father. If the data match, then we can say that this person is the father of the child.

To establish paternity correctly, any biological material is suitable

To analyze the confirmation of paternity, geneticists can use absolutely any biological material containing DNA molecules. It is not only blood, saliva and skin, but also nails, hair and even eyelashes.

The accuracy of DNA analysis is approximately 99 percent. At the same time, the reliability of a negative research result approaches 100 percent. Thus, an error is hypothetically possible only in one case out of 10 thousand.

It is impossible to establish paternity on your own

All paternity tests are carried out exclusively in laboratory conditions. For this, modern high-precision equipment and expensive materials are used. Unfortunately, it is not possible to establish paternity on your own. This is quite natural, because in order to compare the DNA sections of a child and his probable father, even professional geneticists need to spend a lot of time and effort. An ordinary person will not be able to cope with such a task.

The cost of DNA testing and paternity testing varies widely from country to country. For example, in the United States, this procedure costs about $ 330. In Russia, such an analysis will have to pay a little more, about 15 thousand rubles. The paternity test takes 3 to 4 weeks. It goes without saying that for its implementation it is necessary to provide biological material of both the child and the alleged father.

Finally, we note that the accuracy of the paternity test can be influenced by past bone marrow transplants, as well as blood transfusions. Therefore, a person who has undergone these procedures must definitely warn geneticists before starting an examination.
