Many mothers after childbirth face such a problem as a lack of breast milk. In this case, complementary foods are introduced with a mixture, and the baby completely refuses to breast. It will take some effort to establish lactation and breastfeed your baby.

Step 1
Don't panic ahead of time. "Rivers of milk" do not appear on the first day of a baby's life, and you need to be ready for this. The body adapts to the needs of the newborn and every day the milk production will be more and more. Feed your baby on demand. At first, let him constantly "hang" on his chest.
Step 2
Do not give a pacifier or bottle. Sucking them is much easier, so most babies, having tried artificial substitutes, refuse to breast. After getting used to the bottle, it becomes much more difficult to establish lactation.
Step 3
Spend all the time with your child. Cuddle and hug him as often as possible. Tactile contact has a positive effect on lactation. Relax with him when he sleeps. Don't be nervous if you feel that your breasts are "empty". Milk will definitely appear in a short period of time for the next feeding.
Step 4
Drink special teas for milk production. They can be purchased at the pharmacy or in the children's store. And you should also drink any warm liquid.