Is It Possible For A Pregnant Woman To Drink A Glass Of Wine On A Holiday

Is It Possible For A Pregnant Woman To Drink A Glass Of Wine On A Holiday
Is It Possible For A Pregnant Woman To Drink A Glass Of Wine On A Holiday

Alcohol is harmful to human health, and a pregnant woman and her unborn child are even more at risk from drinking. Nevertheless, it is believed that in small doses, weak alcohol - for example, a glass of wine - will not only be harmful, but also useful. Red wine does contain vitamins and beneficial trace elements, but it also has a bad effect on the health and development of the unborn child, and the risk exists even with small doses of alcohol.

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to drink a glass of wine on a holiday
Is it possible for a pregnant woman to drink a glass of wine on a holiday

The effect of alcohol on the health of the unborn child

In small amounts, alcohol, especially red wine, rich in vitamins and microelements, brings some benefit to a person: it has anti-stress, bactericidal, anti-allergic effects. But for a small future person, still in the womb, any dose of alcohol is poison, since a tiny organism is very sensitive to any influences.

There is a risk of termination of pregnancy when drinking alcohol, and even small doses of wine can lead to miscarriage. Mothers who, from time to time, allowed themselves wine while carrying a child, often have children with low weight. If you drink alcohol in large quantities, the so-called alcohol syndrome develops in the embryo: even before the babies are born, they have developmental problems, the formation of heart defects, and a violation of the structure of internal organs.

With the birth of a child, all these changes are no longer treated.

Alcohol also affects the genetic material of the child, causing the appearance of mutations, due to which deformities, disorders of the structure of tissues and organs can occur. Finally, guilt causes the child's nervous system to suffer, resulting in intellectual retardation and behavioral disturbances.

Safe Dose of Wine During Pregnancy

It is one thing if the expectant mother suffers from alcoholism and cannot get rid of the bad habit, and another thing if during the holiday you want to drink a little with everyone. This is the opinion of some pregnant women, who are wondering what dose of wine is safe for a child. Doctors unanimously say that such a dose does not exist. The less a woman drinks alcohol, the less influence it has on her child, but in any case there is an influence. There is a chance that there will be no consequences from one glass of wine, but there is also a risk that alcohol will still affect the health of the baby. Therefore, it is highly discouraged to consume even small doses of alcohol.

The risk is especially high in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the organs of the future person are not yet fully formed, in the last months the influence of alcohol becomes less.

If you care about your baby's health and are responsible for your pregnancy, do not drink alcohol, not even a glass of wine during the holidays. For the sake of a happy life for your baby, you can give up alcohol for several months. If you do not want to draw attention to yourself and talk about your situation during the holiday, do not refuse wine, just sip it, and to those who will be curious, explain that you are drinking pills that should not be taken with alcohol, or come up with another reason.
