Can A Nursing Mother Drink Wine

Can A Nursing Mother Drink Wine
Can A Nursing Mother Drink Wine

During the period of breastfeeding a baby, a woman needs to be especially careful about her diet. Everything that the mother drank or ate passes through the blood into breast milk and, as a result, goes to the baby. Nevertheless, some young mothers sometimes want to pamper themselves with something - for example, a glass of wine. However, not everyone knows whether it is possible to drink wine for nursing mothers and what are the possible consequences of drinking it.

Can a nursing mother drink wine
Can a nursing mother drink wine

Is it possible to drink wine for nursing mothers: what doctors say

The opinion of doctors on this matter is unequivocal - during periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding, alcohol is prohibited for use. Therefore, a nursing mother, if she takes care of her baby and wants him to grow up healthy, should not consume not only wine, but also other types of alcohol.

As an exception, occasionally, only non-alcoholic beer can be consumed in moderation if the drink contains natural ingredients. In addition, smoking is strictly prohibited during pregnancy and during lactation.

Why you shouldn't drink wine for nursing

Alcohol is absorbed very quickly into the bloodstream. Accordingly, it passes into breast milk just as quickly. A baby can simply give up breast if his mother has even consumed a little wine.

In infants, the protective functions of the body are very weak. In particular, his liver is not yet able to fight even the smallest dose of alcohol supplied through milk. According to medical research, in children under 3 months of age, the elimination of alcohol from the body is 2 times slower than in adults.

Plus, alcohol is toxic. If the mother uses wine during the nursing period, the baby may develop allergic reactions.

If you really want to drink …

A nursing mother should remember that in no case should you drink alcohol in large quantities. But what if you need to go, for example, to a celebration or just really want to drink a glass of wine? Of course, the best option is to stop drinking alcohol.

If you don't want to do this, at least take some precautions.

Before drinking, express enough breast milk in advance so that it is enough for at least 2 feedings of the baby. Don't drink too much. As an exception, a nursing mother can only afford 20-50 ml of wine. It's best if you only take a couple of small sips.

Remember that the highest blood alcohol concentration appears approximately 20-30 minutes after drinking. If you drank while eating, the time may increase to about 40-60 minutes.

Do not breastfeed your baby for at least 5-6 hours after drinking alcohol. After this time, the concentration of toxic alcoholic substances in your body will significantly decrease (if you drank a little). Only then will it be possible to breastfeed.

However, if you value your baby's well-being and health, it is best to refrain from drinking alcohol until you stop breastfeeding.
