A child with diarrhea needs to be fed with food that excludes fermentation processes in the intestines. It is better to steam or bake dishes. Fruits and vegetables cannot be given, with the exception of bananas and apples.

Step 1
Diarrhea in babies can be triggered by a variety of factors - mechanical damage, intestinal infection, poisoning, gastrointestinal diseases, etc. Diet therapy during this period should pursue the goal of “fixing”, not “weakening”. In addition, it is worth limiting the consumption of food that enhances the secretion of bile and the work of the intestines, as well as leading to fermentation processes in the digestive organs.
Step 2
A breastfed baby needs to be fed more often because breast milk is a source of not only food, but also water. The lack of the latter just needs to be filled. "Artists" can prepare a less thick mixture. However, portion sizes need to be reduced to avoid overloading the stomach. And in all cases, babies need to be given plain water.
Step 3
An older child's menu should include light meals that are steamed, baked in the oven, or boiled. It is better to grind the finished dish with a blender or rub through a sieve. A child with diarrhea may refuse to eat, because the infection in his body affects the functioning of the stomach and intestines. With increased pressure on the digestive tract, the child feels nausea, which provokes his disgust and refusal to eat. During this period, you can help the organs of the digestive tract to recover with the help of rice broth, jelly, cereals, boiled in water, and stale bread.
Step 4
As soon as the appetite appears, do not rush to return to the usual diet - a weakened body will take time to restore normal functioning. Prepare mashed potatoes for your baby, bake apples in the oven. Buy meat only low-fat varieties, giving preference to poultry and rabbit or nutria. Twist the meat into minced meat and cook steamed patties. The same recommendations apply to fish.
Step 5
Fermented milk products should be introduced into the baby's diet gradually. Kefir or fermented baked milk can be given only after these products have stood in the refrigerator for a day. Try a low-fat cottage cheese casserole. Porridge and jelly should still occupy the main place on the menu, but with the use of fruits and vegetables it is better to wait for now. The exceptions are bananas and apples. As soon as the child's stool returns to normal, and his appetite is fully restored, he will be able to cook dishes from vegetables, fruits and other products that were previously forbidden to him, but only with the condition of continuing to do this with the help of an oven and a double boiler. For 14 days, the child should not be given fried, spicy, salty and too fatty foods.