Guys sometimes cannot hide their sympathy for the fairer sex and are worried about their open display of emotions. To keep her from becoming aware of your feelings, you can learn not to express them.

Step 1
To prevent the girl from guessing that you have some kind of feelings for her, you must understand how sympathy is usually expressed, and learn to hide it. First of all, a person who is in love begins to seek prolonged eye contact with the object of his adoration. It is always clear from the look that the fairer sex is not indifferent to you, so try to avoid direct eye-to-eye contact, or learn to look at her with indifference.
Step 2
Another sign of sympathy is trying to be closer to the person you like. If you want to hide your crush, you do not need to try to get up or sit next to the fairer sex. When in the same company with her, try to stay as far away as possible and pay less attention to her. Talk to other girls more often, smile at them. However, do not overdo it, if you completely start to ignore the lady, this will also be noticeable and lead her to think that you are either ashamed of her, because you like her, or do not want to communicate with her at all, as you have negative feelings towards her. … Just try not to distinguish her from your other friends. In addition, in her presence, you can invite some of the girls you know for a walk or to the cinema, but remember that if you still expect to build a relationship with the lady you like in the future, it is better to refuse such actions, so how she will consider you a windy and frivolous youth.
Step 3
People who have sympathy for someone often try to establish tactile contact. In a conversation with this person, they begin to put their hand on his shoulder or take his hand. If you don't want your affection to be revealed, hold back your emotions and don't touch the girl you like. Do not try to straighten your hair all the time in her presence, as at the sight of the object of their adoration, some guys try to quickly tidy up their appearance and appear in front of the lady in all its glory. This behavior of yours will definitely betray your feelings.
Step 4
Recently, the most important manifestation of sympathy has been tracking the girl's personal life through social networks. Even if you constantly look at her new photos, you do not need to put "likes", write various comments, send her your favorite music and try to establish communication using private messages.