It is sometimes difficult for young people to confess their feelings for a girl. Sometimes they are afraid of being ridiculed, sometimes they are rejected. If you express sympathy for a girl correctly and beautifully, then even if your feelings are not mutual, it will make a great impression and make her distinguish you from the crowd of surrounding guys. After all, women of all ages love beautiful words.

Step 1
Think carefully about whether you are really ready to start dating the person you are interested in after expressing your feelings to her. Perhaps she also has a secret sympathy for you, then you will quickly achieve what you want - you will be able to get closer to her. Often, young people lose interest in a girl, learning that they are also not indifferent to her. This can greatly offend and offend the feelings of the person you are interested in.
Step 2
Treat what is happening like a game. Don't turn your sympathy (even a very strong and passionate one) into a Shakespearean tragedy. If you decide to confess your feelings, be sure of yourself and prepare for the rejection. You can't make a person fall in love, and if you fail, take it calmly, with humor. Just don’t try to make fun of a girl you like, it’s ugly.
Step 3
Pick the right moment. It is easy to show sympathy in a noisy company of friends. But only if you just want to show the girl that you are interested in her and want to communicate better. You can have a casual conversation with her, invite her to a slow dance, give her a bouquet of flowers and invite her to a movie or cafe sometime.
Step 4
Try to be alone with the girl if you want to express more serious feelings to her. This should happen without the participation of strangers: your friends or her girlfriends. This will help you be sincere in your words and actions.
Step 5
Surprise the girl if you want to make an unforgettable impression on her with your confession - give her a huge bouquet of flowers or a big teddy bear. You can arrange with your friends so that at the moment of your conversation they will launch fireworks in honor of your chosen one near you. And even if after that the girl does not give a definite answer to your sympathy, you should know that she will be deeply touched by such a manifestation of feelings.
Step 6
Do not put pressure on the chosen one, forcing her to give an answer to you here and now. She is most likely not ready for this at all. Even if she is interested in you, give her time to think it over, weigh and "digest" your confession. The best option would be to invite her to meet in a couple of days, for sure she will not refuse you this.
Step 7
Think over the course of your actions in advance, so that at a certain important moment from the excitement you do not forget what you wanted to do or say. But do not write down clear plans, instructions, since communication, and the very expression of sympathy, should take place naturally and naturally.