Young men are not always ready to boldly talk about their feelings and invite the lady of their hearts on a date. They, too, can be timid, afraid of rejection and wait for a sign from their beloved in order to decide on a serious step. Guys show sympathy in different ways, but you can understand their true feelings by their behavior.

Step 1
A man who likes you always tries to be close to you. You can see him walking with friends, in a club, near your house, in a store. Even if he lives in another part of the city, you will often come across and see each other.
Step 2
His gaze is often riveted on you, trying to catch your gaze. Every time you look in his direction, you meet his eyes or see how he takes them to the side. You can ask your friends to discreetly observe if he looks at you when you turn away. If at this time he is closely watching you, then he is seriously interested.
Step 3
He is trying to find out information about you. If you know personally, he will spend a lot of time with you, sincerely interested in your life and hobbies. Without such an opportunity, he will find out information through mutual acquaintances or on social networks.
Step 4
Guys show sympathy unconsciously through their gestures and movements. When a young man sees a girl he likes, he straightens his clothes, hair, tries to look better. His back will be straightened, he will try to look taller and slimmer. May flex its muscles or try to impress the object of his sympathy in another way. In addition, he can stick his thumbs in back pockets or in a belt.
Step 5
His attitude towards you will be different from his usual behavior with girls. It's not uncommon to try to touch or just be closer to you, like pulling a hair off your shoulder or picking up a magazine next to you. He will try to be useful, so at the first opportunity he will offer his help or rush to provide it without asking. In a conversation with you, his voice may change, become softer and more tender, and with potential rivals, his speech will be rough and harsh.
Step 6
If a guy is shy and shy, he will not just actively show his sympathy. But in your presence and when communicating with you, he will be very worried, which will affect his behavior. Speech will become confused, he will start to get lost with excitement and blush a little. If he fiddles with a button, plays with lightning, or just unconsciously twirls an object in his hands, there is a high probability that this is caused by a nervous strain from your presence.