You can express your attitude towards a person not only with words, but also with gestures, deeds and other non-verbal ways. However, despite the abundance of options, many girls get lost when they need to hint to a young man about their sympathy. Although in order for him to understand that you are not indifferent, sometimes just a glance is enough.

Step 1
Oddly enough it sounds, but use this advice: no gestures. After all, if a person is interested in his interlocutor or partner, then when communicating with him he forgets about everything in the world. Catch every word of the young man you like and show with all your appearance that you are even afraid to move, so as not to miss a single phrase.
Step 2
Get as close to the young man as possible. Naturally, this should only be done up to the boundaries, which in psychology are called personal space. It is quite simple to define it. As a rule, it is better not to get closer to the person than to reach out to the arm. Otherwise, he will feel uncomfortable and will not be able to pay attention to what you want to convey to him.
Step 3
Try to show the young man that you care about him with your eyes. A timid, as if furtively thrown glance will say more than many words and phrases. In some cases, you can express sympathy with a cheerful, playful look. Of course, it is imperative to measure the way information is conveyed in this way with the character and demeanor of the young man. If it's serious, the first option is better. For a cheerful joker, the second will be your support.
Step 4
Smile. This is another almost win-win way to tell a person about your feelings. Psychologists have noticed that the smile of sympathy is symmetrical (that is, both corners of the lips are raised equally upwards). It doesn't matter if your smile is open or closed. The main thing is that she is sincere and bright.
Step 5
Also, a man will understand that you are cute if you touch your hair, as if adjusting your hair, for no apparent reason. Permanent fixing of clothes or make-up fits into the same category.
Step 6
You can show that you like the person. When you hold out something to him or want to indicate the direction with your hand, point your hand with your wrist towards your opponent. This helps him appreciate the tenderness and smoothness of your skin and determine by eye the degree of your femininity. After all, such a movement a priori should be very smooth with soft transitions.
Step 7
And, of course, express your sympathy for the young man with the help of the timbre of your voice. It has been proven: a woman will communicate with the object of her passion in a lower voice, sometimes with a hoarseness that appears. The rate of speech decreases, as it is necessary for the man to better understand the signals that are sent to him. Psychologists assure: a smooth, viscous voice will tell a man much more than the information that this voice is presented with.