Sooner or later, a question arises in the head of a woman in love: is it time to confess love to your chosen one? Of course, according to the knightly rules, it is not customary to do this first. But everything is changing in the world, and modern ladies are ready for great frankness and decisive actions in order to conquer, keep and fall in love with a man.

Step 1
Before throwing yourself on a man's neck and giving him all the unspoken love, evaluate how suitable the moment is for this, whether the chosen one has "matured" to your words and whether he is worth such hot and decisive steps on your part, if he has not yet confessed to you first in love. Perhaps he will take your confession as a hint at the next stage of the relationship - it's time to propose, and he will be scared. Or maybe he is so timid that he did not dare to express the fact that you are the woman of his life. Analyze the situation and take action if you see the need for it.
Step 2
In love, the one who overextends always loses. Push aside pride, insecurity, principles, fears. Listen to your feelings. Having opened your soul to a man, you can become much closer to him, but at the same time, the degree of risk should be assessed. After all, the impulsive and unexpected "I love you" sometimes just destroys all the charm of a relationship. Take your time and don't fuss. You will have time to say and prove everything to the man. And words are completely optional for this.
Step 3
The older and more experienced a person is, the more cautious and suspicious he is. It is quite simple to kindle an interest in oneself by flattering men's pride, but it is already problematic to “tie” him to oneself. Men value their freedom, their well-built bachelor life and their habits so much that they "jump" from any hints of feelings. And most often they retreat not from deep feelings, but from the one who "strangles" ahead of time with his love and the demand for reciprocity. Your confession may be so silent and obvious that it will prompt him to take the first decisive action. What is needed for this? Look at him tenderly, listen to him carefully, share his emotions, become irreplaceable for him. Even in hardened bachelors, you can find an Achilles heel, which is enough to touch at the right moment to conquer it.
Step 4
If you doubt his feelings for himself, forget about the loud and pretentious words: "I love you", and even more so you should not specify after that: "And you me?" Leave it all for later. Why not express your sympathy more gently: “I like you”, “I often think about you”, “I feel good with you” … After all, there can be any meaning behind this, up to friendship. But, if a man feels something for you, then such hints are a great impetus for the development of relations.