Not so long ago, the "right to orgasm" was recognized exclusively for men. Now no one doubts that a woman should receive both moral and physical satisfaction from sex.

However, the desire to get an orgasm by all means sometimes creates additional psychological problems in sexual life.
Myth 1. Partners must reach orgasm at the same time
Such a final sexual intercourse is possible, but rather difficult to achieve: this is due to the different rate of increase in arousal in men and women. However, many men are concerned that their partner is not getting sexual release "on time." This offends them and makes them doubt their male solvency. And the woman, in order to calm her partner and make a kind of "compliment" to his manhood, begins to imitate an orgasm, depriving herself of real pleasure.
In fact, it is not so important in what sequence the partners will come to the peak of their sexual satisfaction. It is much more important for this to happen.
Myth 2. A woman should have an orgasm every time she has sex
If a woman has not experienced an orgasm for several acts in a row, she may feel "flawed", "inferior." As a result, self-esteem falls, the woman gets less pleasure from sex - after all, her attention is focused on the expectation of whether this time will work or not?
In fact, a woman is sometimes able to be satisfied with the psychological joy of intimacy and is not at all "obliged" to get an orgasm with every contact. A woman will receive much more benefit and pleasure from sexual relations, simply enjoying intimacy, and not straining in anticipation of the "obligatory" release.