What Is Female Orgasm

What Is Female Orgasm
What Is Female Orgasm

Orgasm is the highest degree of voluptuous sensations that complete intercourse, or actions that replace it (for example, masturbation or masturbation). Happens in women and men.

What is female orgasm
What is female orgasm

Is orgasm obligatory

If with the male orgasm everything is more or less clear, because fertilization is impossible without it, then with the female orgasm it is more difficult. It is not characteristic of all females among animals, with the exception of certain mammals. Many women also do not experience orgasm for various reasons, but they are often afraid to admit it. Some sex therapists call orgasm a social, artificially cultivated phenomenon rather than physiological.

The female orgasm has a complex mechanism of action. Many processes of the brain and spinal cord are involved in its occurrence. In general, an orgasm is an unconditioned reflex. However, unlike men, a healthy woman most often learns what an orgasm is after several years of active sex life.

In the future, a woman may not experience an orgasm during every sexual intercourse. Orgasm is considered normal in half the cases. Many women never experience orgasm and suffer from acquired anorgasmia. According to statistics, no more than 70% of women are able to experience an orgasm, but it is still worth striving to explore their body and develop sensuality and sexuality. In this case, the woman will be able to help the man satisfy her.

In general, orgasm is purely individual, and each woman experiences "her own" sensations. It can be vaginal, but more often it is clitoral, anal, oral and other localization. It all depends on the erogenous zones. In this case, the woman experiences pleasure not from the sexual intercourse itself, but from the caresses of her clitoris, etc. In practice, there are cases when women fake an orgasm, not wanting or afraid to admit to a partner that they do not feel the proper pleasure from copulation.

Signs of an orgasm

A feeling of heat, a rush of blood to the lower abdomen, tremors throughout the body, especially in the legs, become common to all women. Rapid breathing or its fading, changes in the woman's body movements, tight vaginal muscles, moans, etc. are signs that help a man to determine the onset of orgasm in a partner. Sometimes some manifestations of this state are weak and almost imperceptible. The female orgasm lasts 4-6 seconds, just like the male.

According to research by sex therapists, female orgasms are much brighter than male orgasms. Sometimes a woman may even pass out from pleasure. There are cases when a man and a woman experience an orgasm at the same time. This happens when a man, without reaching the peak of his emotions, brings his partner to the "peak", at which time he restrains himself.
