10 Ridiculous Female Myths About Men

10 Ridiculous Female Myths About Men
10 Ridiculous Female Myths About Men

There are many female myths about men today. Among them are ten of the most ridiculous and popular. They relate to both physiological characteristics and lifestyle of the stronger sex.

10 ridiculous female myths about men
10 ridiculous female myths about men

To this day, many myths about men are wandering among the fair sex. Most of them are completely ridiculous and only bring a smile. Despite this, some ladies continue to blindly believe them.

Lack of lacrimal glands

Surprisingly, even adult educated young ladies sometimes assume that men do not have lacrimal glands. Of course, this is sheer nonsense. As well as the assumption that the stronger sex never cry. Young people are also capable of expressing their emotions vividly and violently.

Doctors say that crying is even useful for guys. Those men who do not hold back tears are much less susceptible to heart and central nervous system diseases, which means they will live longer.

Pain when giving up sex

Among women, there is also the opinion that refusing to have sex or interrupting the process during a strong arousal can cause a man unbearable pain or even harm his health. Of course, there is little pleasant in this, but nothing terrible will definitely happen to the young man.

Stories about unbearable pain and instant impotence are composed only with the aim of pitying a partner and certainly not being left without pleasure. Judging by the prevalence of the myth, they work great and never lose their relevance.

All for a big penis

Another common myth is that a man is ready for any manipulations with his genital organ, just to maximize its size. In reality, representatives of the stronger sex do not like communicating with doctors, and even more so surgical interventions concerning the most valuable part of their body.

Penis enlargement surgery is not very common even with the current level of medicine. Men agree to it only in the most critical cases.


It just so happened: the girls are sure that representatives of the opposite sex are quite calm about the mess and are unlikely to change dirty socks of their own free will. Therefore, ladies often take care of men's hygiene, even if no one asked them to.


In fact, among young people, dirty is found only slightly more often than among women. But there are a lot of pedants among them.

Picky food

After reading the "useful" advice in women's magazines on the whims of men in food, young ladies often rush to extremes and radically change their usual diet. Instead of a solid piece of meat with potatoes, fricassee with avocado sauce appears on the table, and simple but delicious homemade cakes are replaced by the most complex almost restaurant desserts. Only a true gourmet can appreciate such delights.

In reality, men with great pleasure eat dishes familiar from childhood, cooked by the hands of their second half. And the time required to create the next culinary masterpiece, it is better to devote to your beloved.

Easy re-education

Many women are sure: no matter how terrible a man's character may seem, you can safely start a relationship with him. In the future, it will be possible to re-educate him.

In fact, this is the most failed belief. Scientists have proven that the formation of a person as a person is almost completely completed even during the transitional age - approximately at 12-13 years old. Therefore, you can only change your attitude towards a man, but not alter him in any way.

Maximum endurance

It is generally accepted that men are not only much stronger, but also more enduring, more patient than the fair sex. In reality, things are different. Nature has rewarded the young ladies with the ability to endure severe pain (it has to be applied first of all during childbirth), increased endurance.


In addition, ladies adapt better and faster to various difficult living conditions. Therefore, it is wrong to consider them in everything weaker than men.

Preference - blondes

A man's choice of a soul mate by hair color is rather an exception than a rule. Any adequate representative of the stronger sex will first of all pay attention to the inner qualities of the young lady who has attracted, and not to her hairstyle.

A girl can safely decide on changes in appearance. If a man really fell in love with her with blonde curls, he will definitely not stop loving her, just seeing her with dark hair.

Selfishness in sex

The myth that in bed guys think exclusively about their pleasure is one of the most common among women. Because of him, young ladies are sometimes even afraid to start new relationships.

In fact, all people are completely different. Among both men and women, there are egoists who do not think about their soul mate. But in most cases, representatives of the stronger sex, on the contrary, feel more confident when they know that their partner has received real pleasure. Therefore, we are ready to do a lot for the sake of her enjoyment.

Avoiding marriage

The belief that a man by all means will try to avoid marriage in a relationship greatly spoils the life of beautiful ladies. In fact, a happy marriage is a dream not only of girls, but also of young people.

In a harmonious marriage, a man feels comfortable, confident, calm. Next to his beloved wife, whom the young man completely trusts, he achieves greater success in all areas of life than alone.

Common female myths about men sometimes greatly spoil the relationship in a couple. Therefore, it will be useful for each representative of the perfect sex to get acquainted with them and, finally, debunk them in her head.
