Despite the fact that more and more left-handers have appeared recently, they are still viewed as an extraordinary phenomenon. Therefore, it is easy to understand parents who are worried about their child's left-handedness. But there is no need to be upset. Being left-handed does not mean suffering from a disease. It's just a small feature that will take some getting used to.

Step 1
Most of the world's population is right-handed. The percentage of left-handed people in society varies greatly, in some countries it is at the 5% mark, while in others it can reach as much as 30%. Sometimes a small number of left-handers is caused by the banal retraining of left-handed children, by forceful inoculation of right-handedness.
Step 2
It is safe to say that almost all objects in the world are designed to be easily handled by the main, right-handed part of the population. Cars, doors, pencils, notebooks, scissors and even peelers are especially convenient for right-handed people.
Step 3
Which hand a child will use throughout his life is determined by genes during conception. If both parents are left-handed, their child has a 50% chance of inheriting this trait. For right-handed parents, this opportunity is much lower, but nevertheless it also exists. In them, the birth of a left-handed child is possible in 2% of cases.
Step 4
The biggest mistake that left-handed parents can make is the desire to make the child “like everyone else,” that is, to retrain him. After all, using the left hand is only a visible result of how signals are sent from the brain to the limbs. It is possible to change the hand, but at the same time there will be confusion when deciphering the signals coming from the brain center, which will significantly complicate the child's life. For example, a left-handed person who has been retrained to write with his right hand will never have beautiful handwriting, and when handling sharp objects, he is much more at risk of injury than a right-handed person.
Step 5
Parents should simply accept the fact that their child is left-handed and try to make his life and mastering skills as easy as possible. For example, put a spoon on the left side during lunch, when learning to tie knots, remember that the left lace should be on top. When teaching writing, special attention should be paid to the correct positioning of the sheet, lighting, and, most importantly, grabbing a pencil. Lefties, adapting to the style of writing developed for right-handers, often unnaturally twist the hand, which in the future can threaten with posture curvature, pinched nerve, and painful sensations.
Step 6
When choosing any working tool, you must always be interested, there is no "left-handed" analogue. For example, left-handed scissors are no longer considered such an exotic rarity for a long time. And when the child goes to school, you need to talk to the teacher, explaining to him the inadmissibility of retraining the child, and ask him to put the child on the left half of the desk so that he does not collide with the writing hand with his right-handed neighbor.