Sooner or later, parents decide to cut their baby's hair. This usually happens when funny curls and mischievous crests begin to stick out in different directions and climb into the eyes of the little one. How to persuade a restless fidget to sit quietly on the spot for at least a few minutes? For most parents, this seems like an impossible task.

Step 1
The main thing is not to be afraid. Pull yourself together and tune in to the fact that a perfect haircut for a small child still cannot be achieved. If you manage to trim the baby's hair evenly - great, it won't work - don't be discouraged.
Step 2
Before you start cutting your baby, call for help from people he knows and loves well. They can distract him with conversations, colorful toys and books.
Step 3
Place the child in a high chair and show him the scissors, comb, and water spray. Tell your little one that with the help of these devices, all people become very beautiful. You can put your child in front of a mirror. Then he will be able to observe everything that happens with curiosity.
Step 4
Use warm scissors to trim your baby to avoid discomfort from the cold iron touching his skin. Do not keep the scissors in full view of the child all the time, so as not to scare him with the "seriousness of the matter." Squeeze wet curls between the index and middle fingers, under which you cut.
Step 5
Cut very neatly, but quickly and decisively. Remember that the baby will not sit in one place for a long time. The main thing is to have time to cut the baby's bangs so that it does not get into his eyes and does not spoil his eyesight, as well as trim the hair along the contour of the hairstyle.
Step 6
More often than not, the haircut is more than hectic. Parents have to use various additional tricks to keep the baby. Some include the child's favorite cartoon, others sit on the lap of dad or grandmother and entice them with conversations, others cut the baby's hair while he sleeps. The latter option is not very convenient, but it is quite popular with modern mothers.
Step 7
The main thing is to turn the process of cutting your baby into a game or a real adventure. And after you have cut the little one, and, no matter how successful the hairstyle turned out, show the baby the result and enthusiastically praise the baby himself and his new haircut.