A prolonged cough in a child is always a sign of a disease affecting certain parts of the respiratory system. This symptom should cause particular concern if it is observed exclusively at night.

Features of the occurrence of a nocturnal cough
Most often, a cough at night occurs when a large amount of sputum accumulates in the bronchi or upper respiratory tract. When the body is in a horizontal position, organs and tissues begin to supply blood in slow motion. This leads to their relaxation, and the phlegm is released faster than usual, approaching the laryngeal mucosa.
In children, this process proceeds in an even more accelerated mode due to the small size of the organs and the small length of the larynx. Usually, they just need to take a lying position, as unbearable coughing fits begin. In some cases, when phlegm is absent, a dry cough occurs. Its appearance can be caused by pressure on the irritated larynx due to the existing disease, which intensifies in the supine position.
Causes of a nocturnal cough
What provokes the appearance of a cough at night in children? Usually the following phenomena lead to this:
- diseases of bacterial and viral origin (acute respiratory infections, measles, pharyngitis, bronchitis, whooping cough, sinusitis and others);
- bronchial asthma;
- reflux (throwing stomach contents into the esophagus);
- allergic reactions;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- inflammation of the adenoids;
- increased salivation (with teething in young children);
- the presence of helminths in the body (hookworm, roundworm and others).
In some cases, nocturnal cough does not occur against the background of diseases, but has a different origin. This includes the following cases:
- a strong nervous shock recently experienced by a child;
- too dry or dusty air in the room;
- the presence of harmful substances in the air;
- ingress of foreign objects into the upper respiratory tract.
Most often, a persistent night cough is a complication of colds that have not been completely cured. That is why, if any health problems arise in a child, it is necessary to show him to a doctor and undergo specialized treatment. As a separate phenomenon, cough is treated by taking mucolytic drugs and undergoing special procedures.
Cough diagnostics
To identify the cause and characteristics of the cough, you must visit the pediatrician. The doctor listens to the child's chest with a phonendoscope, determining the presence of sputum in the bronchi. If the cough is dry, the nasopharynx is examined to check for inflamed areas. If it is not possible to find out the exact cause of the symptom, the child may be additionally referred to an allergist, otolaryngologist or pulmonologist.
In special cases, an examination by an infectious disease parasitologist may be required if a parasitic infection is suspected. Roundworms, lamblia and other microorganisms are able to migrate through the circulatory system, entering the lungs and trachea, which causes a nocturnal cough. In addition, parasites release toxins in the small intestine, which causes negative reactions throughout the body, including the respiratory system.
If a night cough is accompanied by the discharge of a small amount of clear sputum or just saliva, it makes sense to check with a gastroenterologist. The increased acidity of the stomach and general indigestion lead to an unpleasant lump in the throat, and there is a frequent desire to cough it up. This sensation intensifies in the supine position, and this is why the child can cough intensely.
Night cough treatment
After the diagnosis is made, medications are prescribed to eliminate the underlying disease causing the cough. For breathing and relieving the urge to cough, mucolytic drugs are prescribed (for children, they are usually prescribed in the form of syrups or lozenges). In addition, for a complete cure, you should resort to additional methods. If a cough in the dark occurs against the background of colds, it is important to ensure full sputum discharge by warming up the child's upper respiratory tract.
One of the easiest ways to warm up is to take a warm drink that warms and softens the respiratory system. It can be regular tea or milk with a lump of butter or honey. Decoctions of chamomile, sage and thyme have a good expectorant effect.
It is not recommended to give your child tea with the addition of lemon, as well as to allow the use of other citrus fruits and chocolate. These foods irritate the lining of the larynx and only make the cough worse. And to make the effect of drinking even more noticeable, it is recommended to snatch the baby's neck and chest with a handkerchief or scarf.
If coughing attacks occur very often and differ in noticeable intensity, inhalations, which must be performed 2-3 hours before bedtime, help well. For this, pharmacy inhalers with the addition of special essential oils and herbs are suitable. A proven folk remedy is to breathe steam over a pot of boiled potatoes (the child is additionally covered with a blanket on top).
For the treatment of a strong nocturnal cough against the background of bronchitis and other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, mustard plasters are used, as well as rubbing the chest with badger fat or alcohol. If the cough is dry, warm drinks should be supplemented with gargling with chamomile and calendula solutions.
In addition to applying basic treatments, it is important to pay attention to your child's sleep conditions. Ventilate the room about an hour before going to bed. The room itself should always be in perfect order: 1-2 times a week, wet cleaning is carried out in it with complete elimination of dust. You also need to make sure that the child does not come into contact with objects, substances and products that can cause allergies and simply irritate the respiratory system. It is very important to establish a diet and prevent the child from eating food already 3-4 hours before bedtime.
Possible complications
If cough is ignored, it can lead to many negative consequences:
- A persistent and severe cough at night disrupts sleep, leads to frequent insomnia and lack of sleep, against which the child's activity decreases, and his body becomes more susceptible to various diseases.
- An unpleasant hoarseness of voice appears, it becomes difficult for the child to speak loudly and clearly.
- Insufficient sputum discharge and accumulation can lead to pneumonia - pneumonia. It also becomes the cause of chronic bronchitis, the development of acute viral inflammation in the upper respiratory tract.
- Constant interaction with allergens can cause anaphylactic shock - a dangerous reaction in the body that can lead to a halt in the functioning of the respiratory system and other vital systems.
- Prolonged wet or dry cough (including due to the strong dustiness of the room or the presence of harmful substances in the air) can develop into bronchial asthma.
To avoid complications, it is extremely important to use only those drugs and procedures recommended by the doctor for the treatment of cough. Special attention should be paid to situations when the cough is accompanied by severe shortness of breath and high fever, along with it, sputum of brown green color or mixed with blood leaves. All this requires an immediate visit to a doctor (at night it is necessary to call an ambulance for urgent hospitalization of the child).